Blood pressure

I went to one of those in-store self BP machines. It said I am 135/95. The systolic is fine, but the diastolic is slightly high. At what point is BP a concern?

Overall, I think its pretty good for a guy who has put on 45 lbs since September.
5 years

It's different this time

I lost weight between September 2017 and 2018. Since then, I've put back on almost all the weight...about 40 lbs. I'm within 7 or 8 lbs from my highest weight of 244 lbs.

Before Christmas I was 230. During the couple weeks around Christmas I gained 5 lbs and in the new year I've gained only 2 and I seem stuck here.

But what's different is that I'm bigger now than I was at my highest. When I was at that weight, I could wear 1X clothes. Now I'm in 2X. I love it.

My goal is to reach my new highest weight by my birthday. I'm at a bit of a plateau now, but hoping I can turn it up in the next couple of months.

Curious to see how big I can get by then!
5 years

Wife finally comfortable with her size

I haven't really done anything to make her gain weight. I do most of the shopping and cooking. I mostly cook healthy (I do it for my kids). When I shop, I will get some junk food like chips or cookies etc., but I don't go crazy. I'd say most of the weight she's put on has been her own doing. She buys lunch almost every day, she gets her own chocolate bars. There are even some days she'll stop for a donut or a burger on the way home before dinner.

I love watching her grow. I like watching myself grow, too.
5 years

Wife finally comfortable with her size

I've known my wife for 16 years and we've been married for 11. When I met her she was in the 210s. When we got married she was about 165. Since then her weight has crept back up and then some. She knows my preference for her being bigger, but has always wanted to lose weight. I've never forced her or tricked her into gaining.

Over the years she has hovered between 250 and 265. However, recently she has gotten even bigger. I don't know how much she weighs now, but I'm guessing she's well into the 270s.

What's different this time is she's kind of joking around about it and isn't talking about dieting.

Earlier this week we took a shower together and when we needed to get around each other, she smilingly said it used to be much easier before we were bigger (I've put on 40lbs since September). I was so turned on.

I'm hoping she will continue to embrace her size.
5 years
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