Any weight gain games out there?

I've kept my eyes out for a long time, but tbh I have yet to play something I thought was all that interesting.
4 years

Weight check

I limit how often I check as it can be too discouraging. I usually just check once every two weeks to a month. You're honestly not going to notice any difference checking more frequently than that.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

Aww, thanks. :3

I still feel small sometimes so I feel defeated sometimes like I didn't accomplish anything. I'm still trying tho.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

@ChubbySadie how long have you been gaining?

2018. I started out insanely small. I don't think I have a before picture on here, but it's on my Feabie I think. I was 128lbs. I'm 179lb now. I gained most of it in 2018. Maybe 10lbs in 2019 total. A lot was going on that year tho.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

I still don't have curves. lol. I just have a small gut now.
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

@Ditzy, my understanding is if you gain really slowly, you might not get stretch marks. Or maybe your body is just really unique in that way. No idea.

@enomalie, I went from a size 4 to a size 14 in a year and like someone else in the thread said, one of the weirdest things is clothes fitting snuggly. Especially as a girl because everything is made to fit right up against you.

If I had any advice, try to stick to stretchy clothes or buying clothes slightly too big for you because if you buy your size, then are able to gain some weight, you'll have already gotten too big for your new clothes. I've done it and it sucks. I bought size 10 jeans only to struggle to button them a month later. :/
4 years

When was the moment it dawned on you that you were fat?

For some, the answer will be, "since birth I guess." But for those who haven't always been heavier, when was the moment you realized you crossed over into being considered fat?
4 years

Life lessons learned going from a bmi of 17 to 25

I didn't even think of it before, but yeah, the cold doesn't cut through me like it used to. I used to shiver trying to swim in an 80° pool. Now I have more normal temperature ranges.

And to think here we sometimes swim into frozen rivers in winter. Never went into a hot natural water source, must feel weird like a big bath or something.[/quote]

I'm from southern USA so, pool water can get up to 80° in the summer heat.
4 years

Is it possible to gain weight and still remain healthy while not taking yours off of one's life?

That's not necessarily true. You can eat healthy, have a balanced diet, and still have health issues. You can eat junk and sit on your ass and live well into old age.

A balanced diet, physical exercise, plenty of sleep, being outside, increasing lean body mass, being mentally active, and reducing excess weight all optimize your biological processes.

Being heavily and larger does have a cost. Even if you're healthy in every other way, over time excess weight beyond your biological predisposed norm causes stress that builds up and causes issues. From wear on joints, to stress on organs, to increased accident potential, to hormone fluctuations outside of your bodily norms. It all impacts your health.

You shouldn't let it dissuade you from being and doing what you want though. Just be aware of the consequences, and know them. Mitigate what you can, and deal with the rest as it comes.

Yeah, you could have genetic dispositions to different health issues, but you have to get really big for the kind of joint damage you're talking about.

I'd simply say everything is a risk to some degree so, that's why gaining weight is a personal choice.
4 years
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