Coping when a partner wants to lose weight

Maybe you should get another boyfriend.
My husband has had diabetes for years and finally is doing something about it. And I'm really happy. He also doesn't want to go below 250, he is 5'9. He has already lost about 30 lbs and Honestly I barely notice a difference. To me as long as someone is chubby that is good for me. I love him and want him to be happy and be around for a long, long time. I'm glad he is doing something to prevent the worse consequences later on.
Look up the loss of limbs and vision associated with diabetes. Not too sexy, huh?
3 years

Coping when a partner wants to lose weight

Yea. The medical concerns are manageable. The sexual desire can’t be managed as easily and it should be fulfilled. If your sweet spot is 330-350, feed him there and make sure he takes his meds

Are you really serious?!?! Her sexual sexual desire is more important than his LIFE. I'm sorry, that is sick!

Does no one have an imagination at all? Does everything have to be %100 real all the time?
3 years

Are female feeders unicorns?

I think I’m definitely a unicorn because I’m actually just attracted to fat people and don’t feel turned on by making a thin person fat. I never realized that feederism is SO MUCH more common than being a real FA. Weight gain is a turn on to me but very very far from being a necessity. The level to which I fail to understand it bothers me sometimes. Like, if you were truly attracted to fat people why would you chose to date someone thin in the first place? It makes me think that it’s more about control and ruination than anything.
3 years

Anyone a smoker?

Cytora Rose is into that
3 years

Why are fa's so closeted?


Do you not think if FA's / Feeders didn't act ashamed of liking bigger people or consider the thoughts of random-ers / family friends more important than their own preferences that maybe... JUST maybe, bigger people would be more confident..

I would distinguish between the closet admirer & those who are OUT about their preferences. I use the analogy to gay even though the ramifications are so different. Nobody gets punched out or killed for admiring a big person. Closet admirers? cowards. Vile enablers of society's fat-phobia. Just as BLM are asking so-called allies to do more than just smile and nod agreement, but speak up & put their asses on the line, ditto with FAs. If you wouldn't take a big person home to meet your parents? or your friends? You're not a real FA in my opinion.

And persons of size should demand that their so-called admirer be out & proud, not living in a closet. If your admirer is in the closet what does that make you? something shameful?

Pardon me, i haven't had enough coffee so i must sound insane...

That makes perfect sense and I totally agree!!!
3 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

I'm a fat girl and over the years, the fact that less people have hit on me in public has taken a toll on my confidence. Now that I'm older , I know better (most of the time) that there ARE people out there that prefer bigger, fatter bodies.

Why are you all so quiet about it in real life?!

I mean, of course there are the societal norms and pressures... but could someone explain it to me simply, laymen terms?

I can only speak for myself but I've never gave a damn about what ppl think so if I see a woman in public that I'm attracted to I'm gonna shoot my shot...

That’s awesome!!!
3 years

Why are fa's so closeted?

Do people still get hit on in public? I thought everyone only dated online these days haha...

Seriously though to the OP... I have experienced the same thing, or had a lack of experience of this. Usually the only time it happens is when people are doing the 'pull a pig' joke or it's back handed flirtation, 'you're pretty for a big girl', which puts me off instantly.

I always felt that it was a shame thing on part of the FA. Although they like you and like big guys and gals... They don't want friends or family to know. It's easy for them to hide their preference if they are not already big themselves... and like some of the other posters have put... They can continue fitting into the norm and not be ridiculed, unlike fat people who have to deal with it on a daily basis.

I promised myself a long time ago and I think you should do something similar... I won't date anyone who is ashamed of me. Regardless of size or any other feature about myself physical or otherwise. Do not date closet FA's... It does not make for a good relationship. You wont feel fulfilled, you wont feel good enough, and it will take a toll on your self worth.

I know that seems a little negative but that's the way the c00kie crumbles!

I think that is a great standard to have! You should never date anyone who is ashamed of you!

My answer to this question in short is most guys don’t have balls, period. It’s pathetic. Who are they hanging out with that is so judgmental? Like maybe get some new friends?
3 years

Does anyone else have a hard time with sizing?

Google "vanity sizing"... the inconsistency isnt by accident.

So true!!! Most people don't realize that!
4 years

How to make them gain

Consent is necessary not sexy. Only social justice warriors say stuff like consent is sexy bleh

I don’t know, I thought it was a cute way to say it!
(I didn’t write it but I thought it was clever)

Being cutesy about it makes it seem less serious, in my opinion.

"Oh consent is sexy? I don't really care about being sexy tonight so I'll just skip that part"

"Oh consent is necessary by law? I definitely will not be skipping that then"

This is just my opinion though

When you explain it like that it makes perfect sense!
4 years

How to make them gain

Consent is necessary not sexy. Only social justice warriors say stuff like consent is sexy bleh

I don’t know, I thought it was a cute way to say it!
(I didn’t write it but I thought it was clever)
4 years
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