
Thanks fo such a quick response!

Hopefully it can eventually expand. I love to share and it’d be nice to limit that when necessary.
1 year

Safe space for feedees--question

That would turn into a cult really quickly.

Hahahaha truuuuth!

Could you imagine the Netflix special they’d make about it!?!

I am actually super fascinated by cults.

I’m too lazy and sweet or I’d start my own. 😉

Though when watching Picard when Jurati becomes a more civilized version of the Borg Queen my BF said I have strong Jurati Borg Queen vibes. 🫠

Resistance is futile. 😈
1 year


I’m just curious what the block feature actually blocks people from?

Mostly curious if I block someone can they still view my pictures and videos?
1 year

Why do all feedees want money?

Reflection of Perfection:

Ive seen ads for hookers on the Las Vegas strip that are cheaper than some of these dime a dozen b*tches.

Wanna know my least favorite thing about this website?

The misogyny. There is SO much of it.

Y’all give off serious cringe incel vibes. May want to examine that.

You are hurting yourselves the most with that 💩

Obviously there’s exceptions and I’ve met some of the coolest most respectful people her too. But that’s the exception.

If you don’t like putting money into the game say NO thanks and simply move on, you aren’t entitled to anyones time and resources just like nobody is entitled to yours.

But JFC learn how to treat women better even when they aren’t giving you what you want.
1 year
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