Why can’t all women be 600lbs+

Dang, OP seemingly deleted. I couldn't possibly wonder why?
2 months

Story behind your username?

I like rain + I grew up in Seattle.
3 months

I'm going to be a supersized bride!

Congrats to you, that's so exciting!
4 months

What do you look for when making a friend on here?

When I look for friends anywhere, I look for someone who has similar interests as me, along with interests that I don't know a lot about so they can educate me about them (and vice versa).

Someone kind, cool, caring, a person I can talk to without the conversation turning stale or boring or a debate.
8 months

Stages of getting fat (body types)

Definitely a 1. If I'm being really really generous to myself, 1.5.
9 months
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