Looking for a female feeder as a women

Wishing you the best brave unicorn hunter lol our sub community within an already small community makes it hard, but don't give up.
5 months

Looking for friends in the hudson valley

Winter is coming and I'd love to find some friends to meet up with for some occasional stuffing and cuddling. Women preferred, encouragers encouraged. šŸ˜˜
5 months


Doing my pre stretch stuffing as we speak šŸ˜

Have a wonderful and fattening holiday!
5 months

Which do you like? consistently stuffing to get fatter? or occasionally really big stuffing for

I'm more of a consistent overeater anymore. I've tried to do big stuffings when I have time to myself to just splurge, but I'm not able to eat as much like that. I feel like I can put downore food with just a good sized meal and then something to munch on and chill. Anyone else experienced this?

Yes absolutely. I have a tendency to eat more with a series ā€œwellā€¦ just one more thingā€ statements wherein I eat ā€œjust one more thingā€ thatā€™s small and seemingly inconsequential. But itā€™s followed by many more ā€œjust one moreā€.

If Iā€™m trying to do a really big stuffing, I tend to choose a huge quantity of just one or two things, and I end up getting tired of eating it.

That being said, my favorite way to stuff is to not really have a meal, but to have a very large sum of food in the form of many diverse small things. I end up sort of tricking my brain, I think, into thinking thereā€™s really not that much. A handful of grapes, a few slices of cheese, half a sandwich, a few pizza rolls, a small cup of soupā€¦ etc. It doesnā€™t feel like a drudgery to keep eating. I will usually be happily munching along, still feeling like I barely started, when I suddenly feel how incredibly stuffed I feel and see how hugely bloated my belly is. Then it maybe gets a little harder to keep eating, but itā€™s a lot more fun and I can still enjoy the food, if I donā€™t make myself tired of eating any of it.

It does take some planning to get such a large quantity of so very many diverse foods, so itā€™s not something I get to do terribly often, but it is by far my favorite way to stuff.

This. Variety is the spice of life. It seems less like working toward a goal and more like pampering and spoiling myself when I have a variety of tastes and textures and can enjoy. The bigger I get the more I eat and the feeling of "stuffed" seems elusive at times, but I just keep going back to the cupboard until I get there.

That said, every once in a while (every two or three weeks I'm guessing?) I get the overwhelming urge to just eat until I burst. My belly wants to grow so bad I can feel it getting ready to stretch. My mind tells me it's healthier to gain slowly on bigger meals made from healthy foods but then all of a sudden I have to junk binge and that adds a sudden 10 lbs.
6 months

Feel like i should have started sooner

I feel that. I gain on fits and starts...I have fun with it, that's what's important. Comparison is the thief of joy, go at your own pace and enjoy yourself.
Do be mindful of your health though. There are a lot of great articles about avoiding health problems in the forums if you look around. You can eat healthy foods and get fat, even though the occasional junk fest is a great quick gain šŸ˜
6 months

Feel like i should have started sooner

I feel that. I gain on fits and starts...I have fun with it, that's what's important. Comparison is the thief of joy, go at your own pace and enjoy yourself.
Do be mindful of your health though. There are a lot of great articles about avoiding health problems in the forums if you look around. You can eat healthy foods and get fat, even though the occasional junk fest is a great quick gain šŸ˜
6 months

How does the community cultivate more respect for real dating?

I think in general people rush into the sexual aspects of a relationship before really getting to know each other no matter what their kinks are (or not?). Instant gratification is out of control (in general, everything takes to long-dow loads, microwaves, bullet trains, etc) and it's taking a toll on the dating world. Put into that perspective I doubt there are really more incidents of people leading with the lizard brain on here than in the general populations dating scene.
6 months

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Any sedentary job and also women feeding you with loads of food like mine will blow you up in no time. Honestly, they are celebrating birthdays almost everyday, which means they bring you a lot of cakes and sweets, nothing is more fattening than this. I bulked up so fast which is both intriguing and terrifying.

I started in a place like this 5 months ago. I'm up about 16lb. Intriguing and terrifying indeed!
7 months

Increasing appetite

Increase your capacity by eating to full and then some every time you eat. Pretty soon you'll find your eating more then one day that you're always ravenous. šŸ¤¤
7 months
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