Developing a dependence on food - how?

Plump Belly To Curvy:
Wow, are you sure about that surgery? I'd get a second opinion. I'm not a medical professional, but that sounds awfully drastic. And as gaining enough to be truly fat ours a lot of bulk through the system, it may be much harder with your large intestine removed.

As for suggestions:

A practical one is hunger inducing supplements. I have a hard time eating as much as I need to to gain a lot consistently, and I don't tend to get hungry in the morning. I've found the combo of Gain (by Nutri) and Eat Mor when I'm not hungry or before what I want to be a larger meal to be super helpful. In about 20 min, Gain makes me hungry. Ear Mor may in 30-60 minutes, but whether I'm hungry or not, Eat Mor magically allows me to just keep eating, so much more than I would otherwise, comfortably. Then I follow up especially big or hard to digest meals with digestive enzymes.

As for kink association, I also find that either self-pleasure with or after the food or reading erotic gain or related fetish stories while eating so much gives me even more association with the sensuality of stuffing, gaining, and fat, and the sexual pleasure of imagining breeding. If you have a partner who would feed and breed you or come together even if their not into feedism, after a while I get aroused just thinking of a big meal and all that fat that it will make, how I'll get bigger. It's not an addiction or dependence because I can still forget to eat or dekay it for other reasons in my life. But if I've eaten large meals consistently enough, my body adjusts with more hunger and digestive capacity. So my body starts to crave it and notice more noisily if I don't eat it. We know the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I appreciate the concern, but I am very well informed about my medical condition. I've been genetically tested, had several upper and lower endoscopies, and a few family members have had the surgery. Fun fact though: your large intestine is almost solely responsible for water absorption! After i've healed and my body adjusts itself after a few months, the only real difference from now is i'll have to drink more water. Definitely not what I intended this post to be about, but thats on me for bringing it up.

And thank you for the suggestion for those supplements! I'll definitely look into them, that sounds great! I was concerned they were just placebo and a waste of money.

Im good on the kink association, i've accidentally done that to myself already (can be turned just from ordering a meal/looking at calorie totals). And have definitely gotten off to nothing but eating/being too full before! Unfortunately though, that's all i've got going for me on the motivational front. But Eat Mor and Gain would be huge for me if they make me actually want to eat!
2 months

Developing a dependence on food - how?

Morbidly A Beast:
I’ll never understand what it’s like to want to be fat also finding it hard to gain but hate or dislike eating on top of that. Like I’m sorry this might not work the way you think it will, doesn’t make you any less valid as a feedist just gotta work towards a better relationship with food

also don’t @ me thins, eating an entire package of cookies is still a healthy relationship with food

Man, I wish I knew why i'm like this. Probably has to do with my kink being directly opposed to traits from my neurodivergence, like food sensitivities.

I'm into being fed, I like the feeling of being stuffed, i've always dreamed of being soft and fat (grew up chronically underweight). I hit the check mark for tons of feedism kink things. And eating can be fun for kink reasons! But motivation beyond that is difficult.

I will say I'm honestly proud of how far i've come, I used to be underweight and i'm close to 'obese' now. But if I could choose a super power, i'd go with photosynthesis in a heartbeat!

Also doesn't help that I have digestive issues, such as a major surgery coming up. I'll be having my large intestine permanently removed as I'm a cancer risk, woo! Shouldn't effect me in the long run, but recovery will be long and awful.

Now that I think about it, I feel similarly about sleep. I suppose I just dislike needing to care for the human body's basic needs.
2 months

Developing a dependence on food - how?

So partially for kink reasons and partially because I genuinely struggle with not being motivated to eat, I want to try developing a genuine food addiction. (I can be starving after not eating for 12 hours and pretty easily ignore it. Plus I hate snacking because it's inconvenient).

I can be pretty picky, thankfully I like fast food atleast, but i've always disliked the act of eating itself. I've improved a lot over the last few years and put on some weight, but it can be so so difficult to eat when i'm not motivated by hunger pangs and snacking/eating feels like an inconvenience. When actively trying to gain I have to solely rely on motivation through kink, and then I burn out 1-2 months in.

I understand how very serious a real addiction can be, i've actually thought about this topic for over a year and really considered it. If something serious were to happen I do have the support system necessary. But I honestly want to develop a psychological dependance on food/eating.

On FF, a few threads/forums/posts/whatever you call them inspired me:

-"Learning to stress eat"
-"Subtle mental conditioning of a feedee"
-"Psychological conditioning"

Unfortunately that isn't a whole lot to go on though. Does anyone have advice, experiences, suggestions, or anything else?


You do not want this. This is might seem fun in the short-term, but developing a dependency/addiction to food only brings suffering long-term.

I've seen it up close and personal. It destroys relationships and lives.

What you want is to associate eating with pleasure. If you have such an painful relationship with food and eating, it's best to tackle the root of the issue first. What about eating and snacking is such a pain for you?

I appreciate the insight, thank you! I'll admit, it's hard for me to comprehend how dangerous it can be as i've never dealt with it before in any way.

But I know enough to not be cocky around something so serious, I guess if I *can* control it then it wouldn't even be an addiction, huh.

I'll have to consider other healthier ways to go about all this then, like you suggested.
2 months

Developing a dependence on food - how?

So partially for kink reasons and partially because I genuinely struggle with not being motivated to eat, I want to try developing a genuine food addiction. (I can be starving after not eating for 12 hours and pretty easily ignore it. Plus I hate snacking because it's inconvenient).

I can be pretty picky, thankfully I like fast food atleast, but i've always disliked the act of eating itself. I've improved a lot over the last few years and put on some weight, but it can be so so difficult to eat when i'm not motivated by hunger pangs and snacking/eating feels like an inconvenience. When actively trying to gain I have to solely rely on motivation through kink, and then I burn out 1-2 months in.

I understand how very serious a real addiction can be, i've actually thought about this topic for over a year and really considered it. If something serious were to happen I do have the support system necessary. But I honestly want to develop a psychological dependance on food/eating.

On FF, a few threads/forums/posts/whatever you call them inspired me:

-"Learning to stress eat"
-"Subtle mental conditioning of a feedee"
-"Psychological conditioning"

Unfortunately that isn't a whole lot to go on though. Does anyone have advice, experiences, suggestions, or anything else?
2 months

Self funnel-feeding?

I just so happened to he checking FF for the first time in a few months, just to ask something similar! Im super into using a funnel, but my partner isn't really into feedism so I need to do things myself.

I spent a long time trying to get a standard funnel and tube to work, but unless you can put screws into your wall you're probably out of luck there. I've found great success with a standing funnel though! Granted, it's made for a group of people at a party to down beer, but you can optionally use just one funnel/tube at a time.

Can be a tad annoying to clean if you let it sit though, so try to rinse it out asap afterwards if you can. The one I use is called Head Rush Bongzilla (apparently they've doubled the price since I bought it?? WTF).

I've used it to down gainer shakes even when not in the mood for a funnel, just using it as a tool to help me finish a thick or gross shake. Honestly very helpful! Just bear in mind it will *always* make a small mess, plus rinsing and drying it out after. Honestly I don't use mine too often for that reason, even if I do love it.

The nozzles suck to clean, but they're perfect for using the funnel solo. You hold a button down to release the liquid, so you can pour it in the top and walk away/sit down/whatever without worrying about it spilling everywhere.
3 months

What's the average rate of gain for people?

I think a lot of it simply depends on your budget limit more than your physical limit tbh.

Atleast in my case, I can gain an average of 2lbs a week and still be hungry half the day, but I need to work around a specific work schedule and be careful with money, and that's more taxing on me than anything else.

Honestly though, if you genuinely want to gain long term, 2-3 lbs a week consistently is really amazing! Thats 100-150 lbs in just a year!

I could be wrong, i'm not big myself, but also if you put on crazy amounts of weight fast you most likely won't be able to maintain it very well vs slowly working your way up with sustainable habbits.
1 year

Male hetero feeder in massachusetts looking for female feedee for irl meeting

Hi! If you're still interested, I happen to be in northern Mass and would love to talk and maybe meet in person! It's so rare to actually meet people in your area
1 year

(m25) fledgling feeder looking for someone to stuff!

Hello! Unfortunately i'm not in your area so im not too sure about doing any feeding, but we have a lot of common interests! If you'd like, I would enjoy talking and maybe we could hang out online or something?
1 year

Looking for friends in the new england area!

Hello! Is anyone else in the New England area interested in talking or potentially hanging out sometime? Could be kink related or just totally casual! I'm moving soon and hoping to get to know people in the local area smiley
1 year

Looking for a feedie

Hi! If you're still interested, i'd be happy to talk and potentially meet up some time!
1 year
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