So what games are you playing?

Is anyone playing Destiny on Xbox one?
If you are and wanna team up and do the weekly and daily plus the queens missions hit me up. im current lvl 25 Hunter

or even have a crack at the vault of glass

gamer tag - GTR 3VOM
9 years

Game | find the lie :)

Im going to go with number 3
9 years

Question for ffa- body type

Delicatefame wrote:
I would like to start with a pretty good sized guy 300+ smiley

I see you don't waste time and start off big. Yeah 300+ is a good size to start with im sure. Not that im 300, but im close and getting closer.
9 years

Mile markers

hitting triple numbers on the scale..It may not mean much to people using lbs but in kg its a big deal.
9 years

Girl who wants to gain weight

have you tired the personal section instead of the weight gain section?
9 years

Too fat for my wedding dress

haha that's a cool story. I wonder if you will out grow your next dress and good luck with the wedding smiley
9 years

Are my goals unrealistic?

Not at all. Every single person who is 400lbs+ has at some point been your weigh and less, It just takes more effort from some than others.
9 years

My tale of fat admiration

Speaking of admiring people though, if that's you in your icon, you have quite a nice belly, pumpui,

Yes it is and thank you smiley It took a lot of hard work lol
9 years

Tips and advice for new gainer

Eating is pretty good tip. Plus eating more than your normal would as well.
9 years
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