So, bbw-chan is basically the same type of cesspool than 4chan & all of those other devious doma

it's called free speech, brother

John Smith:
Free speech and hate speech are two wholly different matters, darling.

When you start ranting your blindly bigotic, deshumanizing views against others, you are not acting on the will of freedom: you infringe that said freedom by obsfucating the natural freedom of equality of others. When one individual's utmost fundamental rights - natural rights - are subjected to be questioned and mocked, there has no equality, and freedom meant naught without the counterbalance of equality and a respect for the law, order and fundamential dignity of every single breathing, sensitive human being, from which what prevails a fair and equitable social order unbound of the plights of tyranny, obscurantism and Men's darker/baser impulses.

None of those civilized principles prevails into bbw-chan. There has no freedom of speech: only but fiery, all-consuming hate, utter disrespect and gadflies. And what History taught us well, is that gadflies means bad omen: they always gather on fertile grounds, only to spoil after the rotten.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
3 years

Bk's impossible whopper has 18 million times the estrogen of a reg whopper

To be fair cross breeding and selective breeding is not the same as GMO which is humans doing Gene splicing, you can cross breed corn with shrimp in nature.

But with that said GMO is safe to eat but sucks balls
1) it prompts monocrops which drains the the soil and forces them to use petroleum based fertilizers and crop insecurity
2) is pretty much exclusively made to allow for the use of glyphosate which is a horrible chemical for the environment and is leading so super pests similar to how overuse of antibiotics makes super bugs.
3)the business practices of these companies are shit

1) Except that it has now been learned that bacteria can exchange genes with plants and animals. In short, nature does exactly what we do with GMO, it is just slow and not focused. We then selectively breed those traits.

2) Bullshit, glyphosate is not something evil although it can be misused and overused. The purpose of the GMO crops being tolerant is to allow use of smaller amounts of glyphosate after the plants are already growing. That is the attraction for farmers, cost savings due to LOWER glyphosate use. Not only that but there are lots of other reasons to use GMO. An example is the yellow rice that includes vitamins rice does not have in nature to reduce blindness in cultures that depend on rice for the bulk of calories.

3) Yeah, yeah, I know. Clearly you work for free without concern for pay so that you are unsullied by the corruption of pursuing profit. Monsanto, Bayer, and I should all learn from your pristine example.
Oh by the way, Glyphosate is an HERBICIDE that kills weeds, not a PESTICIDE that kills insects and antibiotics is another entire conversation that has nothing to do with raising crops. (although, if you want a huge dose of antibiotics you might try eating milk veal. They practically force feed antibiotics to the animals to keep them alive long enough to butcher.)[/quote]

1) Nothing you said here makes GM the same as selective breeding nothing.

2) it's a horrible chemical that is the modern equivalent of salting the enemies fields. It washes of ends up in rivers and eventually the ocean , it's toxic to plankton, bad for shell fish, bad for amphibians.

For other uses of GMO I support it 100% and never said GMOs are bad just the business practices around them.

3)yes fuck their business practice, if you grow organic crops and their patented pollen lands on your crops they will sue you.
And with that said fuck apple for bricking your phone if you get the battery replaced by a third party.

Fuck pharmaceutical companies I hope their abuse of patents dies a horrible death with tons of chapter 7s

I aware it's herbicide and yes weeds are finding ways to adopt To it.
4 years

Bk's impossible whopper has 18 million times the estrogen of a reg whopper

"GMOs are just as safe as organic food to eat according to hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies. Don't be anti-science."

Absolutely CORRECT!

The whole "GMO thing" is ridiculous and "anti-science". EVERYTHING you eat is genetically modified ... we just used to take centuries to get it done. Now we have better tools, AND a better understanding of what we are doing.

You think that sweet corn you eat is anything like what was growing in the wild 400 years ago?

To be fair cross breeding and selective breeding is not the same as GMO which is humans doing Gene splicing, you can cross breed corn with shrimp in nature.

But with that said GMO is safe to eat but sucks balls
1) it prompts monocrops which drains the the soil and forces them to use petroleum based fertilizers and crop insecurity
2) is pretty much exclusively made to allow for the use of glyphosate which is a horrible chemical for the environment and is leading so super pests similar to how overuse of antibiotics makes super bugs.
3)the business practices of these companies are shit
4 years

Bk's impossible whopper has 18 million times the estrogen of a reg whopper

Yes plant estrogens have some, they can mess with the thyroid of both sexes but impact women more.

Taking too much can lower male sperm count but you'd need to eat nothing but these things for that to happen.

Drinking milk exposes you to more estrogen
4 years


The EU is highly undemocratic??
It is not... is it DEMOCRATIC.
Every four years EU citizens have an election to VOTE IN who they want in the European Parliament who discuss and pass laws. The European council is made up of all the heads of states of each member country that is DEMOCRACTICALLY elected in. Also... Germany do not compare modern Germany with Nazi Germany, they are very different and modern Germany does have a large influence in the EU, but that is only because it has the largest population out of all member states.

They force nations to vote again after again until they vote the correct way.
Look up the Lisbon treaty.
4 years


The biggest problem was not making it a supermajority vote. Important and long-lasting changes should require a supermajority, just as it's like in almost every other country. It's not a simple election the results of which can be changed again in 4 years if people realize they don't like it.

And as the result of this referendum was very close, it means that it's not the will of the British people what decided the election. It's temporary mood, and the weather, and that day's television program, and that day's news headlines are what determined the result. Because such things (which are very temporary, but still affect the mood) can easily sway 1-2 percent of the vote.

And of course the lies told by the Leave campaign. You are quite right and I definitely think we should stay in the EU.

The EU wants to make an example of the UK, yet if they where a decent and reasonable body they would do maintain the style of relationship that the EU had with Norway.

Don't worry Germany's economy and Frances economy are in worse shape than the UK.
4 years


The EU is highly undemocratic,
If the EU wants something and people have to vote on it they will keep holding elections until they get the result they want.

Ironically that is the same attitude of the remain people.

Wanting do overs because people voted "wrong".

What Germany couldn't do with tanks and bombs they managed to do it with banks and bonds.
4 years
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