What do you feel is missing in current content that could be filled?

John Smith:
Do you mean "The Witcher" in a nutshell? Because I've heard than Yennefer has gotten fat in the novels.

Omg! How detailed does it get? Cause I am HERE for chubby sorceresses
3 years

What do you feel is missing in current content that could be filled?

I would really love to see more genre fiction in weight gain circles. Give me fat or gaining detectives, vampires, space mercenaries, residents in Small Towns where Weird Stuff Keeps Happening, suburban drug kingpins forced into manufacturing contraband to keep their families afloat, cursed pirates, Royal concubines...basically take all the stuff people already love reading about and Make It Fat.
3 years

Bhm feedee romance/satire novel

Ohh. I love your stories.

Omg thanks! I've been a fan of yours for years! "Hot Fudge Cake" was such an awakening for me.
3 years

Bhm feedee romance/satire novel

Hey guys! So I recently finished a novel about a fledgeling feedee and his relationship with his curvy and sarcastic ex-manager. Unfortunately it's a little too NC-17 to post here, on account of detailed sex scenes, mentions of past domestic violence, mentions of police brutality, and adult language. But if you're the kind of person who likes the hero to really have to earn his happy ending (along with about 100 lbs) I would appreciate your readership and feedback!

3 years
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