Roll call! any other autistic feedist in the house?

Oh wow! I totally forgot I started this thread but so glad to see other feedists on the autism spectrum finding community.

Personally I think my sensory issues have directly influenced my preference in partners. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm an FA. There's nothing more comforting to me than touching someone soft or being layed on by them.
1 year

Gaining as a feeder

OP: You say you lack self control, when really what's happening, psychologically, is that you're thinking of your own weight and discipline as forms of self-denial. Of course, if you view weight loss as the goal and junk food as a forbidden fruit, being that it's an obstacle to your goal, of course you're going to want it more than your boyfriend does, seeing as it's not off-limits to him--in fact, he may even be starting to see it as a chore.

The good news is it's very easy to gaslight yourself into making healthier choices. Instead of thinking "I'm not allowed to eat junk food because it'll make me gain weight," think something like, "Even though he enjoys them, candy and fast food are honestly pretty cloying to my particular palate; I'd rather have delicious blackened chicken over seasonal roasted vegetables anyway."

What's important is not to internalize fatphobia and make it all about restriction. I guarantee you, restricting yourself will damage your metabolism in the long run, and focusing too much on the number on the scale will just make you unhappy. You can improve your relationship with nutrition while keeping eating a joyful experience and focusing on the positives.
1 year

Stories where female feeders lose weight?

I think it was called The Witch Switch, where a fat woman traded bodies with her fit, fat-shaming husband and he gets to swap her back for his own body once he's made her body skinny, but in the meantime she's fattening up his body while inhabiting it or something like that? I thought it was hot.
1 year

Finished my first story

Congrats on the story! I'll def be checking it out!

As far as starting new works goes, my number one piece of advice is don't put yourself under too much pressure or psych yourself out! Let yourself be free to develop the concept by scribbling down a few scenes from a character's PoV even if they don't make it into the finished product, outline story beats, daydream, draw inspiration from your surroundings, or bounce ideas off of other writers.

Personally after I finished my first original feedism story, which was mostly grounded in reality, I decided to branch out and make my next one an XWG sci-fi adventure. The first draft was...admittedly shite, as I'd not yet done the worldbuilding necessary to accomodate my character concepts. I'm happy with it now, but I think I had to rewrite it 2 or 3 times?
1 year

Diet coke or regular coke

Diet soda can actually help you gain weight in its own way: since it's sweet, but has no calories of its own, it tricks your body into craving the "missing" calories it expects. The effect is an increased appetite coupled with an insulin spike that results in extra fat storage.

However, many people simply don't think it tastes as good as regular soda, which is actually genetically determined, much like the cilantro/soap situation.

Regular sugar is also an insulin trigger it has real calories, lol.

And there's been a bit of a scare for decades over whether artificial sweetener is linked to cancer...the short answer is yes, but only if you eat a five-kilogram brick of it every day, according to studies done on lab animals.

The bottom line I'm getting at is, either one will help you gain weight, so just pick whichever you like better is my take.
1 year

Shared universe stories?

Holy shit you guys! I never expected Spark to attain this much popularity. Esp after I killed Marion. But the ty ty ty!
1 year

Story ideas

Here's the general gist behind a story I never finished:

WWIII has broken out, and the draft has been brought back. In order to fail the physical and avoid getting sent to war, some men are turning to deliberate weight gain. A dealer of weight gain supplements falls in love with one of his clients.
1 year

Favourite fat guy

My favorite fat guy is also my partner and husband-to-be. But if we're talking about celebrities, Leonard Outz (sp?) is a gorgeous, fat, and very funny comedian. And as far as feedee content creators go, Daniel Keaton's stuffing videos are perhaps the best on YouTube in my humble opinion!
1 year

Return of the queen

Oooh sounds promising! Will you and your team's stories be featuring BBW weight gain, BHM weight gain, or both?
1 year
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