Looking for a lesbian feeder

Where do I take a number?
3 years

Question for gainers

I’m pretty obsessive on the numbers, seeing the scale go up and counting more calories most days.
Feeling changes in myself spurs me on as well, every time I notice a new roll or more cellulite just makes me happy.
3 years

A glimpse into the life of content poster

Absolutely spot on! We’re all more than just a belly on a screen.
3 years

Gender dysphoria and weight?

Doctors will use being overweight to deny access to surgery and HRT, Hell, they’ll blame everything on being overweight given half a chance.
There’s also pressure to blend in rather than standing out.
Being slimmer to begin with also means that I kinda started with a clean slate and the weight I’m gaining is going to the right places now.
3 years

Dangerous rate of gain

I’m definitely on the smaller side round here but also I worked really hard at it.
3 years

Dangerous rate of gain

Just on a quick Google, most sources say up to 2 lbs is healthy, my own experience has been that 5 lbs is the most I can gain in a week and I can’t say I have had any indication of any problems aside from walking a bit slower, but that could equally be put down to months of inactivity due to lockdown.
3 years

Conditioned to associate sex with food?

bbw hunter:
Anyone know how often such an experience would need to be repeated in order to achieve this effect? Is there any anecdotal evidence that suggests. 10, 20 or even 50 instances are required to develop a Pavlovian response?

I guess it depends on the person, and their willingness.

bbw hunter:
Naturally, though I’m sure there must be some research somewhere on the Pavlovian response and the numbers of instances required. I’m sure most people here would fall into the catagory of willing participants lol

I wouldn’t presume, everyone has a different reason for being here, but I am very willing.
3 years

Conditioned to associate sex with food?

bbw hunter:
Anyone know how often such an experience would need to be repeated in order to achieve this effect? Is there any anecdotal evidence that suggests. 10, 20 or even 50 instances are required to develop a Pavlovian response?

I guess it depends on the person, and their willingness.
3 years

My friends and family have started to notice my 10 pound gain. will the next 10 be less noticeab

Theoretically 10 extra on a 150lb frame would be more of a percentage compared to an extra 10 on say a 300lb frame.
But given that it’s never that simple and everyone gains differently, you could find that it’s not evenly distributed and settles in a specific area-for me that’s my belly-and that may garner attention.
3 years

Conditioned to associate sex with food?

Of course the danger is that things "wired" to sexual arousal are very powerful. If you had a feeder that continued to reinforce that it would largely transfer full control to the feeder.

In essence, your feeder might respect your saying no, but your ability to SAY no would become VERY limited.

Of course, that lack of control can be erotic as well. So it could lead right down the rabbit hole!

That would be ideal, I’ve always been too much of a control freak and quite self destructive, for someone to be able to help me find that satisfaction, I’d happily do an Alice.
Although warming up for lunch with toys has definitely given me some appetite too, I do get horngry though.
3 years
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