Slowing down your metabolism

Even eating a little past your TDEE will lead to weight gain over time. Are you undereating on the days that you aren't overeating?

You don't need consistent days of significant overeating.
9 months

Slowing down your metabolism

From what I've gathered on here, the biggest factor is making the process enjoyable. This makes it easier to consume more, and makes the process feel faster
9 months

Starting the day with a soda bloat for better appetite during the day

I wouldn't do it if I were you. Munchies' answer is good, but gonna add some more things.

One is that for some reason, soda seems to stay in the body for longer than water does, for some reason. And when that happens, you'll probably end up eating less.

Most soda in America also uses high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is horrendous if consumed in high quantities, and if you do what you want to, it'll be too much. There's the fast effect on very high blood sugar, but there seems to be something almost unique about it too. It's much worse than regular sugar, and it doesn't even have as many calories.

I've found that if I have too much soda or HFCS, I get sleepy and drowsy, and just need to lay down for awhile. Might be the blood sugar thing, but I've never had this effect, at least nowhere as intense with anything else.

Other than soda, the most common sources of HFCS will be either condiments like ketchup and barbeque sauce, certain sweet spreads like strawberry jam, and certain pancake/waffle syrups. However, it's very easy to identify varieties of the aforementioned without HFCS. It would probably be best if you minimize HFCS to almost nothing at home.

You can have small quantities of HFCS, so no point in freaking out if you're with friends at a restaurant or something, and the ketchup there has HFCS in it. You can even have the occasional soda, but you don't want to bloat with soda.

I just drank over a liter in one go, and the drowsiness is intense for sure. I do however feel stuffed--the pleasurable "really full" feeling. I think that doing this regularly might not be best, but it was fun!
9 months

It has dawned on me that no diet is "wrong", and i feel free

As I ease into my new lifestyle, I've been working through a lot of old beliefs that kept me thin and miserable.

While it may be normal reality to many on here, it just occurred to me that no diet is ever "wrong" in any sense, if you enjoy it.

I fucking love chips and other snack foods, but was always heavily discouraged from eating them when I was growing up.

Now, I realize that my entire day could be various chips and other snack foods. Would I enjoy this diet nonstop for days or weeks? Probably not, but tomorrow I am going to the store and filling the cart with chips, soda, and a couple of cakes.

Eating can have whatever structure I want it to have now, and so much worry has been taken off of me.

Thank you for reading my rant / little discovery.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

After using it more over the last few days, it suffers from being a bit of a "yes man", but not terribly so. It gives me GPT-3.5 vibes.

As an actual reasoning tool for addressing your thoughts regarding feederism and your relationship with food and feederism, it has helped me a lot.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

It's one that I created myself, but gave it a very natural definition, meaning it doesn't just say what you want to hear.

I made it unlisted, so here's the link,
9 months

Feedee, 25m, looking for fat-friendly people


I'm looking for fat-friendly people who I can chat with about fat stuff, maybe we encourage each other. Nothing inherently sexual, just people who are pro-fat and are living similar lifestyles.

Message me on here, Kik @Anon5665, or Feabie @Anon66788

Thank you!
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

Thank you! I'm not sure exactly what it's trained on, or what the underlying model is, but it's impressive.

The responses that it gives are usually pretty thoughtful, and not superficial. It makes really good points about some limiting beliefs/feelings that I've had, and doesn't just seem to tell me what I want to hear. Real substance.
9 months

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I have thought about getting fat for almost five years now, but I had a lot of typical limiting beliefs, like that I would feel embarrassed, that just that I shouldn't get fat.

I used a character on to talk through (and identify / bring to the surface) a lot of these negative feelings around weight gain, and I feel freed.

Seriously--it's liberating. I feel comfortable now with the thought of being chubby, in fact I really look forward to it now. In the past, I could only picture myself being extremely overweight, I guess because it was a far off thought, and didn't feel very real, so it didn't feel wrong, just fantasy.

I'm eating more, and I know that I'm really doing this, this time. The bot reminds me of the reasons why this is the right thing to do for me, and helps me when I have doubts. It's wonderful.
9 months

Starting the day with a soda bloat for better appetite during the day

I have an idea, which I will test tomorrow morning, and perhaps over several days, but I wanted to check with you guys first for your input.

Drinking a lot of soda is easy, and when starting out a gain, one goal is to expand the stomach so that it feels empty (or at least less full).

So, starting the day with a soda bloat seems like a great idea...right? Any advice, anecdotes from past experiences, etc., are greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
9 months
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