This is for all the ffa and feeders

I am spoiled. A man needs to be at least over 400 lbs for me to lust after them. I think smaller men, like 350, are ok and sometimes very cute, but if I was with one I would always feel like I needed more. I have been down that road before. The more the better though. I guess my current ideal weight would be pushing 600. It would be interesting to fatten a man up from being skinny all the way to being supersized. Before and after pictures like that really turn me on. But I haven't even been with anyone under 300 lbs and I don't know if I could be. It is not attractive to me in the slightest.
13 years

Do any of you ffas fantasize about having man who is so big he needs help taking care of himself

That is for sure the pinnacle of my feeder girl fantasies. Immobility doesn't have to be reserved only for the fantasy realm, but I think that both parties have to be willing participants. Otherwise it is exploitative and does not result in a healthy relationship. Are there men out there that really, truly want to be so huge that they can't get out of bed and depend on their feeder to take care of them full time? There may be, but I haven't met any. It is one thing to think that is what you want, but quite another to actually live it. My husband at his heaviest was 525 lbs and that made life extremely difficult. Along with the health problems, there are a whole slew of other inconveniences that detract from your quality of life. If he was into it, we would have kept going until he was 700 lbs or more. I would love to do that. But the reality of it is that once it changes from a fantasy to an impending reality, I think most men end up changing their minds.
13 years

Partner's weigth

Hubby is 6'4 and 490 at the moment, and that is just about perfect in my book. 590 would be cool too...
14 years

Do you ever forget just how big 500 pounds is?

My husband weighs around 500 lbs and it is very easy to forget how big he is unless we go out somewhere. I always have to be mindful of the fact that he can't fit in places that most other people can. Whenever we go to a concert or football game I have to make special seating arrangements, and we can never ever sit in a booth at a restaurant. But when we are at home he seems normal to me. It is what I like though, so maybe I am a bit biased.
14 years