Favourite thing on toast?

butter, bacon & cheddar

speaking of lunch... smiley
12 years

Quitting smoking

FatOpie wrote:
i have just quit smoking not to long ago, and i was wondering out of the ppl on here who have quit smoking how many of you gained weight and how much did you gain?

I quit cold turkey 12 y ago.
gained ca 45kg (x 2,2 fr lbs=ca100lbs) ever since, spread over those 12 years.

I oscillate a lot, up to 20 lbs per year (every summer I loose some, every winter I gain some), but when it comes to the sum - every year I keep some lbs over, therefore gain.
12 years

Who else has one?

1Dan001 wrote:
A scooter / moped? smiley
Who else has one?

I do! smiley

Since everything I do in life (at the moment) is in radius of 15 km - I don't have a car. My way of transport are basically scooter of bike.
I mean: why would I spend soooo much money on a car, if I don't really need it?? Gasoline not to mention...

rubyripples wrote:
I always think men who don't care about macho stuff are the MOST manly...

but....but....but......I don't want to become a manly-man :o

shazzy wrote:
I think if I owned one and tried to ride it, I may not get far.. I can imagine the wheels popping or the whole thing not having enough power to move with me on it

So wrong! a bit robuster models can easily carry over 200kg. And with 'toured-up' motor even more. So maybe 'the thing' will have a bit shorter life, because of quicker wear off, but that's all to it.
There are also special scooters on the market, meant for people that carry a bit more weight, but I think they are a category apart - they belong to healthcare circuit.
12 years

Amazing gym girls...

I have a deep hateret against classical gym. Just not my thing. Mostly due to all that 'evil-eyes', all pointing into direction of a 'puffy-fatso' smiley

To keep the flexibility and condition up, I mostly bike (which is individual sport) and swim in a local pool, that carries significant 'epithet' of a 'tropical paradise' =). You can imagine what that is. I have a year card and go whenever I want, if they're open.

Most of the time I go and swim for myself in a big pool (also individual). But they also offer aquajogging, aquarobic, aquazumba and aquabiking. Most of the ladies are smaller than me, but I am not the biggest either. They have that very cute trainer smiley, I call him AquaNazi as an open joke (in front of him) and he laughs a lot when I do it.

However - it comes up to the person itself. Although the trainer gives me quite hard time during the aquajogging sessions, he respects if I cannot follow through the whole exercise. And he is never rude about it. Even more: he has made relaxing routine for me to repeat when I cannot keep up.

That's why I always felt comfortable in that setting and kept going. Made all the difference to me. And swimming is also good because it doesn't hurt your ankles and doesn't lead to any unwanted weightloss that easy either.
12 years

Regarding pictures on ff

To put some terms into verbs (ACTION PLAN):
1. make this topic place to report photo-theft, and stick it to the top.
(it is nice security measure for FF as site too, proving it is doing everything to protect the users. so more credibility)

2. Another thing I wanted to point out is how to make other sites remove the photos:
nobody is 100% anonymous today. So those dubious sites are not anonymous either. There are plenty of apps which can trace the company and address of registration, the IP and the provider of that site.
Find it all, but do not threat. Ask for removal of the photos nicely, otherwise you will be forced to report it. And than copy/paste their registration info as prove that you know who they are and that you're serious in your intention. If they're smart - they will retrieve the photos from the site.

(If they refuse, you have all tools in hand to actually sue them.)

3. If you don't know how to do that (2.) - message me and I will do it for you.

Lets kick some ***! smiley
12 years

Fallen head over heels....

what do you mean, your feelings ruined everything? not mutual?
12 years

The feederism gene

Genetics or not... as we see from McFottykins post, she is no clear gay, but BI. Which means somewhere around 50 on the scale 0 to 100.

I think there is the same sort of scale that could be applied to this kink smiley.
0 for average and 100 for hardcore feeder/feedee for example.

I am somewhere about 30 (with occasional, sporadical jump to 100 and back)

Thinking twice, this would make nice thread itself... smiley
12 years


i also like contrasts

slender & soft
tall & small
ethnic differences smiley

The last preference partially determined my life

Contrast I seek not only in people, but in choices too.

I also like to walk on the wild side (but not in any destructive way, no, just a step from it smiley ).
What can I say - adrenaline junk. Those small 'escapades' make nice contrast to regular daily life. That's the beauty of it.
12 years

Funny food-related first dates

Seems that almost everyone has a sweet tooth.... well - not me smiley
12 years
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