Male x male stories

Yeah, I have been on here just a bit before the “gay” tags came along so, it was easy to retrofit them but, you might have to look back on some older accounts that still post MLM and see if they have old stories that contain MLM.

Another thing you can do is go on Grommr (or any other platform pretty much but Grommr's just gay guys) and ask if people have FF accounts, because when they do they tend to know/have stories that might not have been marked as "gay" but still be MLM

also i'd like to throw my name in the ring as nearly all my stories have MLM scenes and ALL of the weight gain is in men.

Also just message gay guys on here! We have favourited heaps of stories and some you may not have even known about if you hadnt asked.
2 years

Is it worth it to get into paid/comm. stories?

I am torn on making paid content, I am a WG story writer, I have male protagonists who most of the time are MLM.

I am in a situation where I cannot invest the time to make both paid and free stories. I am on an entirely free portfolio that's on here along with 2 other platforms.

I also make content outside of the FFA community. Which takes a time and energy as well.

I love writing about weight gain and, I cannot rationally continue spending hours and hours on content that will make no money.

But, at the same time I don't feel comfortable getting people's money because I have a tendency to stop and take long breaks due to writer's block.

Along with that this hobby that I have loved and done for the past 4 years, is now put into question when I receive monetary gain from it. (pun intended)

So, I am in a grey area regarding paid/commissioned content.

I need help regarding this from people who have had this dilemma faced upon them before.

Along with that I also want to know about getting rid of writer's block because she's a b***h 💅

Kind and Warm Regards

I believe Patreon has a payment setup where your supporters pay based on your releases. This could be the way for you to justify charging for your work without feeling guilty about taking people's money for a very long delay between stories. The quality and quantity of your writing would have to be balanced against your charge, obviously, but it's an option.

I mean on here. Fantasyfeeder
2 years

Is it worth it to get into paid/comm. stories?

I am torn on making paid content, I am a WG story writer, I have male protagonists who most of the time are MLM.

I am in a situation where I cannot invest the time to make both paid and free stories. I am on an entirely free portfolio that's on here along with 2 other platforms.

I also make content outside of the FFA community. Which takes a time and energy as well.

I love writing about weight gain and, I cannot rationally continue spending hours and hours on content that will make no money.

But, at the same time I don't feel comfortable getting people's money because I have a tendency to stop and take long breaks due to writer's block.

Along with that this hobby that I have loved and done for the past 4 years, is now put into question when I receive monetary gain from it. (pun intended)

So, I am in a grey area regarding paid/commissioned content.

I need help regarding this from people who have had this dilemma faced upon them before.

Along with that I also want to know about getting rid of writer's block because she's a b***h 💅

Kind and Warm Regards
2 years