Struggling with regular eating

Thank you all for your replies.

I will try snacking for sure and also I will try to eat small breakfast like fruit shake a little bit earlier each day. I hope it will slightly increase my appetite and will start to be a habit.

If it does not help i will get an advice from an expert like suggested.
Thank you all
1 year

Struggling with regular eating


I have been strugling with my regular meals during a day. Since I am not used to eat breakfast, the very First meal that I have is around noon. During the morning Im not even hungry. Second meal of the day is around 6PM and then maybe a dinner around 9 PM or anything.

I have problems with my appetite but i would like to change it and add a little bit of weight as well. Do you have any tips how to increase appetite or rules to set daily meals routine? Really appreciate any answer.
1 year