How do i break a weight plateau?

Depending how active you are and you says your active on your profile you are probably running a bit of a calorie deficit. Just running some of the numbers it’s like 2700 calories or so just to maintain your current weight you’ll want to up it somewhere close to 4000 calories for some pretty big changes
1 week

Stuffing my self vs binge eating

Morbidly A Beast:
I think the major distinction with BED is compulsion to eat and with it bringing negative emotions.

I freely choose to engorge my belly when it’s feeding time, someone with BED doesn’t choose that.

Eating Dude:
OK makes sense. But sometimes I'm so stuffed that I wish I ate less.

It happens but I think the key thing for someone who has BED would be an incapability to not eat like that each time they ate. Like unwillingly choosing to eat massive portions and not being able to stop. But I’m not an expert or anything and I’m sure there’s probably some psychiatrist who would say all feedism is an eat disorder. Im sure you just like to eat it’s not a disorder haha
1 week

Stuffing my self vs binge eating

I think the major distinction with BED is compulsion to eat and with it bringing negative emotions.

I freely choose to engorge my belly when it’s feeding time, someone with BED doesn’t choose that.
1 week

Anyone else really love their man boobs?

yeah the endocrine system is not something you should play around with that’s how you get really sick and pass away. Fat people already put more stress on their endocrine system as is.
1 week

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Me. I’ve been hovering anywhere from 400 to 440 for a while but I got on the scale yesterday and i’m 458 I was 430 something earlier in the fall.
1 week

How much weight can a woman gain in 3 months if she is trying to do so?

I swear to god if a moderator censors us for berating a racist user who’s pro-rape I will delete my account
2 weeks

How much weight can a woman gain in 3 months if she is trying to do so?

Morbidly A Beast:
I hope she sees your post you creepy incel freak racist

Yeah, now I see the point. Some people on here are really quite abusive. However I'd probably be able to defend myself if you said that to my face.

Yeah, get rid of the stupid law, I'll take my chances.

I meant that to nitch bigger but go off weirdo pro rapist
2 weeks

How much weight can a woman gain in 3 months if she is trying to do so?

I hope she sees your post you creepy incel freak racist
2 weeks

Genuine question

It’s was hell of a lot easier when i could just take care of business in the shower or just at my computer desk I’ll tell you that much.

It depends on a few factors how big your stuff is, how buried you are, how in shape you are, how jiggly you are. Stage one involves getting hard (props if you are already excited) the next stage is rolling over on your side and getting off and seeing heaven.

If you’re jiggly that works against your friction and momentum so you just kinda wiggle around and if you’re out of shape you get winded just trying to stay hard with your momentum. I might paint a negative light here I’m not sure how other feel but this is my experience.
2 weeks

Tell me your embarrassing fat moments

I was front and center of a video call on a zoom meeting in front of a large audience on the projector screen and I looked absoutlely massive barley reconginzed myself legit did a double take
2 weeks
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