Advice for reaching my goal?

Actually, after having been in this community for quite a while, capacity is absolutely an issue for most people starting out. grazing is also good advice, but it isnt as effective from what i've seen. also, yes I know things are expensive, but maybe one could find equipment second hand.. you must be incredibly bored and unfulfilled to hop on here and try to police other people's advice.

Seethe harder
2 weeks

Anyone who struggled to gain but is now huge need advice

I've been struggling to gain for a long time now. I have some food intolerances (dairy)/ stomach issues (IBS)and am currently about 6 ft 165 lbs. It's very discouraging because it seems to be something I just can't figure out. Has anyone been in a similar situation and finally gotten big? Any advice or experience would be super appreciated.

How active are you in your day to day?

How much do you eat during the day?

You might think you’re overeating but you probably run a significant caloric deficit
2 weeks

Advice for reaching my goal?

It’s gonna depend on how active you are physically if your getting a lot of exercise your gonna need to compensate by eating more

Best thing to do is to when in doubt eat then eat some more.
3 weeks

Another reason to get fat..

That was me kinda when I crossed the threshold of 300lbs after failing diet after diet I couldn’t exercise like I used to

Like I was fat and I didn’t realistically have an objection to it so I just learned to accept and love my body as it was

Now I’m fat fat, fat people can be like damn your fat
3 weeks

Getting your partner more open about their weight and size?

you can be fat like being fat not having a problem with your size and body and still not be comfortable talking about how much you weigh btw

it’s just a touchy subject.
3 weeks

Do i exist in a weird pocket void?

Genuinely asking, how do people do it to meet partners in this community? My experience tends to range from, finding scammers, to gals who only want to sell content, to me not meeting their preferences (which is fine because everyone has preferences). Am I too short to be picked? I’m either too fat or not fat enough.

You joined the site one day ago.

I suggest you modify your expectations women don’t have the same kind of sexuality as men, even the ones who fetishize fat men, being fat isn’t the be all end all.

No one owns anyone attention, even if they fit the mold for what they find attractive. And if they give you attention there’s no indication you won’t stalk and harass them back.
3 weeks

Getting your partner more open about their weight and size?

Better yet it’s like walking up to a tall person and being like “you’re tall how tall are you” only fatness has stigmas
3 weeks

Getting your partner more open about their weight and size?

What difference what weight she is? As a fat person who is visibly fat which I assume is like your girlfriend, it strikes me as an odd question outside of a kink context. Anything other than a lot is irrelevant. To her and fatties it’s a bit like asking “you are fat, and?”
3 weeks

Explaining why im putting weight on to my loved ones.

It’s important to reconginze that not all fat people are into shaming/humiliation and in cases they are it’s more than likely consensual kink play not just casual berating in public
3 weeks

Question about gaining and fat distibution

I expanded in all directions initially but the majority of my weight now a days goes to my belly
3 weeks
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