I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

It sucks because there’s def space to say atomization is totally a thing and it’s kinda just an accepted aspect of our lives these days without going into some conspiracy against white people or “western civilization” as if it’s not felt by everyone regardless of race gender it’s part of modern life. Yeah there might have been a time where it was easier to meet new people but it’s just as easy as it was back then if not easier with groups and such you can meet online. just people are generally more “shut in” doesn’t help that there was a global pandemic recently so a lot of people are kinda still in that mode a bit. Also there’s always a bit of projection I feel like whenever topics like this come up, like are you saying these things because you’re lazy and don’t ever touch grass and just feel entitled and dumb founded people aren’t just showing up at your door or are you getting at a symptom of something more, you know? I’m not directing this at anyone in particular, no you as in YOU I’m confusion
1 week

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

I don’t think so? Rigged in what way and against who kinda lost track here a bit
1 week

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

the internet has made communication and connecting easier in a a lot of ways but people are generally so atomized that it makes little to no difference at all. And that’s not the internets fault.

The birth rate is on “decline” because non-agrarian economies don’t need cheap labor in the form of kids and we are generally not agrarian yeah there’s sectors of the economy that are farming but that’s not the by and large of the workforce we are a service economy. This happens and has happened since human beings inhabited cities.
1 week

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

Morbidly A Beast:
Maybe the solution to the Fermi paradox is that once a civilization develops ai to a significant enough level it brings about the mass extinction of all biological life. Yeah right now it’s just perverts but what happens when it’s everyone or people are hooked in without knowing the difference between the two

Higholy doubt anything like that would happen. This implies that, at some point, people will reject interacting with each other and instead spend all of their time with machines..

You'd have to be antisocial to ever expect that to happen.

You also misunderstand the types of people who use AI chatbots. Sure, there are a lot of perverts, but there's other demographics too. Lotta people treat it like a fun toy. Others use it to explore their emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Some even use it feel less lonely.

Very few of these people see AI chatbots as a replacement for people. Those that do tend to be only antisocial people who use the chatbots less as they improve their mental health and establish platonic or romantic relationships.

The situation is far from dire. If not this, then it would be some other inanimate object.

Oh yeah I wasn’t even going into like what was presented here I was just saying that there’s a solution to the Fermi paradox forwarded that says that, it’s totally not like that.

But yeah you’re totally right about it being a non issue right now there’s a lot of people including myself who would never use an ai like that. I respect it as a tool we just need to be mindful and watch it so it doesn’t destroy us or we rely on it to much before something like our monkey brain is ready
1 week

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

This is why I don’t have a goal weight. I know myself well enough to know that if I set a goal and reach (in this case) I wouldn’t stop. I enjoy food to much and eat 24/8 so “cutting back” even after hitting a goal weight wouldn’t work for me.

It do be like that haha
1 week

Anyone reached goal weight - couldn't stop?

Also I have no rush to get to any specific weight just kinda going with it the general trend is just upwards hahaha I know once the actual full on summer hits I’ll probably drop a few lbs possibly.. did for years but didn’t last year 😳 for some reason
1 week

I talked to an ai chat bot about "taking the plunge" into weight gain

Maybe the solution to the Fermi paradox is that once a civilization develops ai to a significant enough level it brings about the mass extinction of all biological life. Yeah right now it’s just perverts but what happens when it’s everyone or people are hooked in without knowing the difference between the two
1 week

Burried penis...

But yeah buried regardless of position these days it’s something I’ve just accepted can’t really feel it unless I’m semi hard
1 week

Burried penis...

It’s essentially pig in a blanket down there these days poor guy doesn’t see the light of day I can’t tell you how difficult it is to lift up your belly push in your fat pad and hold your pants up at once, I was in a rush the other day and I totally peed on myself, then the other day my pants slid down to my ankles while I was taken care of business at the urinal cause the stalls were taken it

Any of my fellow padded kings got any advice for at the urinal? Also is circulation cut off a thing on it that can happen
1 week

Has a fat person ever unintentionally aroused you by doing something with their belly in front o

Kinda a bit of the inverse side of the oringinal post but I’ve gotten to big to “squeeze past” people and things numerous times I’ve had to have people get in my truck and pull it forward so I could get in because people parked to close to my truck or the ammount of times where I’ve just had to go around after attempting to squeeze through or actually just brushing up against people I thought I was far from

1 week
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