So my everyday pants are a series of sweatpants and joggers all my shorts are gym shorts with an elastic band I just tried getting into my size 52 pants and I rember them being tight the last time but today I had to literally suck in my belly just to even potentially button because my belly hangs so low I don’t think I can wear pants without an elastic band so basically imagine my video wear I put on pants but even tighter. Those 52s even had elastic in them 😳
Onto 54s I guess
3 weeks
The short answer is "my whole life", since I've always been fat, and even as a kid, showed up fatter every school year.
However, I spent most of my early twenties (I'll be 30 in a few days), between 325 and 370. It wasn't until I lost some weight and then decided to regain that I achieved what most would consider super obesity. In about a year, I gained more than 270 pounds with extremely large stuffings several times each week, and constant grazing between. My gain came from giant quantities of high calorie foods, like pizza, bread, tons of cheese and other dairy, fried food, and burgers. Those habits did have some major medical consequences, but as far as packing on the weight, it definitely worked quickly. Basically, you have to be comfortable being about to burst around the clock, and unless you have unlimited financial resources, factoring in your food budget as a major part of your living expenses.
Currently weighing about 570, which is where I hope to remain.
Happy Birthday!!!
3 weeks
It took me 8 years or so to go from 140 to 300 not on purpose but it took the last 2 to go from 300 to 400 on purpose.
3 weeks
I think I’m finally ready to give into gaining but my problem is I feel really embarrassed at the idea of ordering at restaurants or grocery shopping like a fat person especially as someone the exact opposite and of course already being shy in general doesn’t help but I’m wondering if anyone who had a similar experience who was embarrassed about giving in and eventually let go has any advice would be greatly appreciated
3 words: food delivery apps
Worried about people judging you for getting enough food to feed a family of 12, don’t worry door dash will do it for you and they’ll just drop it at your door no interaction required
Or you can do curbside pick up you can have someone shop for you and alls you have to do is open your trunk and boom you got groceries or like I said just get a grocery delivery app
People need to stop worrying about what people might say or do and just learn to go with the vibes, don’t get me wrong I struggle with this sometimes too but the idea that someone is going to say something or bully you for being a fatty because you got a lot of food will never happen and if it does ever I will eat my words trust me but it won’t the fear is irrational fundamentally
4 weeks
Thank you. Good advice. Hopefully I don’t plateau for a while.
Plateauing isn't necessarily a bad thing. It gives you time to adjust, heal, and prepare for the next stage of your gains.
It's all about perspective.
It’s true. It’s important to keep your stamina up and get a bit of exercise and I didn’t mean to say you need to break it I’m just saying it’s why plateaus happen.
4 weeks
Sounds like you’re on the right track just keep indulging all those cravings and you’ll be a biggin in no time don’t worry about calories for now I’m sure it’s been pretty easy to break your caloric balance daily it’s when you first start platueing you need to up the calories and measure
4 weeks