Anyone else looking forward to biological aging ?

i think it may be it's own kink, but there's definitely some lovely overlap. i'm definitely attracted to aging. i truly believe it is a gift to be able to grow old. watching someone grow wiser (and maybe a little wider), noticing smile lines accumulate on the face, a body reaching maturity and continuing to change... that's the good stuff. it's just bonus that weight gain tends to happen alongside aging. it's nice to have a place to chat about it, given the the typical fear of aging and fetishization of youth and skinniness that is pervasive in mainstream culture.
23 hours

Gaining weight after moving out

For sure. It was the same for me. I think it's a natural progression, without having parents around you can indulge in food and fantasize without judgmental comments or prying eyes. I put on twenty pounds the first time I left my childhood home. The only thing that sucks is the food is WAY better at home during the holidays, so if you wanna remain stealthy, wear baggy clothes (only works up to a certain weight!)
1 week

What's the fastest you've gained weight?

It's a regain, but after about a week and a half I went from 170 to 180. Just weighed myself this morning. The next ten pounds definitely won't come as easily haha
2 weeks

Best fattening pasta recipes

This thread rules. Marking it now so I can come back with some contributions after i test some out
2 weeks

Getting food-drunk/bloat-drunk

I'm planning on being food-drunk in about 2 hours. It's a wonderful feeling. I think too much anyway, so it feels good to shut my mind off and experience the fullness
2 weeks

Which do you like? consistently stuffing to get fatter? or occasionally really big stuffing for

Stuffing to get fatter. I got to 180 then dropped to 170 after eating poorly. I've been filling myself for a week straight and I already feel the fat pinch coming back. the hard part is staying full every day. peanut butter has become my best friend (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
2 weeks

Ideal size?

As Munchies mentioned, I look good in any shape. Although, to answer your question, I think I could definitely use thirty pounds minimum, at 200 I think I'll reassess where I want to be.
3 weeks

Best part of gaining?

At least early on, for me it's the sensation of perpetual fullness. It's so pleasurable to relax and munch all day, and go to bed full.
3 weeks

Drinking peanut butter with beer

just dabbled in it tonight casually. and dang, it really bloats you up. going to try a little more tomorrow. i need a different mechanism to heat my pb...
3 weeks

Subconsciously playing with your belly

At work sometimes I can feel my new roll bulging over the top of my pants. I've been eating a lot of peanut butter lately and it's definitely getting bigger. I've never had enough to pinch before, and I really want more - hopefully enough to grab with a whole hand. I'd better get back to snacking if I want that to be a reality B^)
3 weeks
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