Journal entry

I find myself overwhelmed with thoughts of food and overstuffing myself every single day. I just want to eat and binge and lay in bed with my belly and tits out all day every day. I’m sat at work right now thinking about how badly I want to binge when I get home. Unfortunately the road conditions are so terrible I won’t be able to take a detour to a McDonald’s. What a sad day.
1 year

Huge gain

Just take it slow and at your pace, not his. In the End, it’s your body, and your living with it,

you’re absolutely right..I just feel like I’m going to get carried away, and it will be impossible to stop. I already eat so much, and enjoy all the feelings that come with overeating, and I can’t lose weight even when I try my hardest. at this point, if someone is going to overfeed me, and make it fun, I’m just going to be putty in his hands.

Why do you need a feeder? If you want to eat, then do it yourself. Over stuff and what not, but do it on your own terms. Not someone elses

I guess I’ve felt conflicted about it for so long. Now that I’m letting myself acknowledge my feelings or cravings or desires, I want to experience them as big as I can, which in my mind means being guided by a feeder. I want to please him. What I guess is scarier is that he could be telling me he is going to fatten me up 200, maybe 300 lbs, and I still think I’d go along with it
1 year

Huge gain

Just take it slow and at your pace, not his. In the End, it’s your body, and your living with it,

you’re absolutely right..I just feel like I’m going to get carried away, and it will be impossible to stop. I already eat so much, and enjoy all the feelings that come with overeating, and I can’t lose weight even when I try my hardest. at this point, if someone is going to overfeed me, and make it fun, I’m just going to be putty in his hands.
1 year

Huge gain

Morbidly A Beast:
100 pounds is a lot of weight, be prepared for the changes! It won’t happen overnight. I would recommend a smaller amount just to start off with then go from there. makes me a little scared to be honest… he told me he’d of course hold my hand all the way through, and we can stop any time, and said we will focus on small increases! that all sounds easy enough but it still scares me that I might get so turned on that I won’t be able to ask him to stop..which there lies the reason I feel like I sound “silly”. I’m already this big at 22 and I can’t stop eating. I feel like it’s inevitable.
1 year

Huge gain

Hi all, sorry if this sounds like a silly question. In the last few days I met an older guy. He’s mid-30s, and totally into feeding sessions. He is talking about me gaining 100 lbs. I’m turned on by this, but also kind of worried. Does anyone have any advice on how to play it?
1 year

Being spoiled

I’ve had a lot of people come to me asking for feeding content and for me to show them eating videos and to go buy fast food but very very few are willing to fund that meal. where are the ones willing? I am looking for feeders 🥰💖!!!
1 year

Hi calory snack suggestions?

nuts!!! mixed nuts are full of fats and calories. milkshakes!! delicious and refreshing and fattening 🥰. chocolate wafers and candies. avocados are full of fat and cals also. peanut butter & nutella!
I hope some of these help smiley 7 lbs a week is incredible. good luck xx
1 year

Time to stuff!

I got a double quarter pounder with cheese LARGE MEAL, 10-piece chicken nuggets, a McChicken, and a Dr Pepper to drink for dinner time tonight 🥰🥰 gonna have a big full belly!! Who wants to see when I’m done??
1 year