Research for my stories

I was wondering as a general rule of thumb how much a bbw/ssbbw+ would make in terms of money per given video/month/year. I don't want wildly off numbers, I don't want characters to make unrealistic amounts of money but I also wanna avoid giving them too little.

I know they can make a LOT of money but those are the top earners and stars. A range would be helpful for current and future plots.

Only Fans, porn sites and/or modeling firms are the target for my inquiry. Even Fantasy Feeder earnings are something to work off of.
6 months

Confusion about activity timeline

I was checking my Activity tab and for some bizarre reason a story chapter I posted 30 minutes ago says it was posted ~17 hours ago, it's not the biggest deal in the universe I just find it very strange. I assume it's a timezone issue, something to do with server stuff.

Also, my posts were duplicated. I just wanted to know what might be going on.
7 months


I'm considering trying to make some money from this hobby/passion, I'm very naive on how I'd go about it. I have low self-esteem so I've been scared to try because I'm worried that I'm in over my head or that I'm not good enough. I'm not necessarily trying to go premium but if it's a good start then I'll try it out, otherwise selling my stories in general might go well for me.

I have a hard time selling myself so any help or tips would be appreciated, I've never done anything like this before and I want to try to take the next big step.

Always Grateful, A.M.
8 months

Story posts

Good to know I'm not insane about the tags thing.

I think Stan Lee said something along the lines of "If you truly love what you make, even if it's niche, somebody out there will love it too." Or something along those lines. I don't think in terms of what I'd read, it's more like I write what I want to be written if that makes any sense. It's pretensious but I want to add to mosaic of written art, like I'm making people happy through the medium that makes me happy.

-Thanks for responding
8 months

Story posts

For some reason I can't add more than one tag but I've seen other authors post with more than one, it's actually driving me a little crazy. I'm new to posting stories so I might be doing something wrong, if it's a premium feature let me know. That'd be kind of dumb but if that's how the site works so be it.

Actually, any tips on posting would be very helpful. I want to make the best stories that provide the most value possible, I have a passion for this kind of storytelling and I want it to show.

-Much appreciated, A.M.
8 months

Story formatting

Thank you for the response, will everyone know when/if these changes will occur?
8 months

Story formatting

So I'm new to writing on FF & in general, I can't help but notice that I can't italicize my work which is really awkward when it's called for. I want to emphasize certain words in dialogue and denote when something is being read by a character. I love FF so I'd hate to migrate/focus on a different site to share my stories, especially over something seemingly trivial like a formatting problem. Using asterisks feels very clunky and editing my stories so that I can post elsewhere is really tedious. I imagine this has been talked about before but I can't be bothered to search for it so I'm asking about it myself.

I use Google Docs to write and all I need to do is Shift I and it italicizes whatever I want, perhaps I'm just not aware of how I'd do it here. If anyone can help me that'd be greatly appreciated, I want to share my ideas the best way I can.

-With love, A.M.
8 months