Best way to record tummy noises?

I think both must work well.
17 hours

Have you ever gotten off simply by playing with your belly?

Do I like it?

Of course I do.

I can sometimes make my stomach gurgle on command and it turns me on. The sound of the stomach gurgling reminds me of a burp. It's really nice to listen to.

I've also made a lot of macro/squish videos where I crush a miniature human figurine with my belly. (I won't hide from you that my dream would be to be this figurine crushed under a big giant belly) These videos are posted on my profile, And I've also made some vore videos, but also videos, of belly shaking, burping, belly gurgling.

I managed to get my face crushed twice under a big hairy belly thanks to the grommr site. And I'm happy about that
21 hours

Question for the burp/fart enthusiasts

I don't like farts. But I love burps. I don't even know why, I find the sound of a burp beastly and rude, but very sexy at the same time. Especially a deep burp with a low, viscous, loud and sudden sound. So seeing a big man burp always turns me on. There is a relaxed side to a big loud burp, but also something shameless and uninhibited. A big man burping in public and not caring about the gaze of men is really sexy to me. And then it reminds me of stuffing myself and having a full belly. Plus, I love burps in vore. But the sound alone to me is sexy and masculine.

Oh yeah and there's a feeder/feedee who sends me his burps in vocal on instagram because he knows I love it. I don't know how to take it. But it's funny anyway.
22 hours

Free compliments - no strings attached

This is a very beautiful intention. There should be more people like you on this planet. 😉👍
22 hours

Best way to record tummy noises?

Secret Gainer:
Like, what microphone should i use and where should i put It or if there are some tipa about recording a stuffed tummy noises

I think that placing the earphones of your phone against your stomach is enough to get a stomach gurgling sound. Obviously, the phone must be in video mode.

Me too I love belly gurgles noise 🤤
22 hours

Gay men in gainer community

I don’t know if all fat gay men deliberately gain but at least on Grommr there are 10s of 1000s of gay men who are gainers, maintainers, encouragers, admirers, feeders, feedees and every permutation there of. I don’t know what explains this phenomenon but I’m a fat gay guy and love other fat guys. In fact, I’m finding myself upping my fat game, that is, I’m being drawn more and more to wanting to be fatter than I initially aimed for, and finding super chub guys very much more of a turn on than I used to.


I understand because I'am on grommr too. And I managed to find some big men to feed and rub.
23 hours

Gay men in gainer community

Being bisexual and not strictly gay myself, I get disappointed when I see a pic of a hot fat guy with a big belly and see on his profile that he’s not at least bisexual himself, I know it’s wrong to think like that, everyone has the right to be here or I suppose I wouldn’t be here either

I see.
5 days

Gay men in gainer community

I don't know if it's me, or maybe I'm even wrong. But I feel like there are a lot of gay men among the gainers, feedees, feeders, and even chubby chasers in general. Is this really a fact? , And if so, why. Because I really have that impression.
Can you explain why ?

I mean, the gainer community was originally just for gay people. It just expanded to include everyone.

Ha ok.
5 days

Gay men in gainer community

I don't know if it's me, or maybe I'm even wrong. But I feel like there are a lot of gay men among the gainers, feedees, feeders, and even chubby chasers in general. Is this really a fact? , And if so, why. Because I really have that impression.
Can you explain why ?
5 days

My sexuality and my kinks are exclusively around the big bellies, and nothing else

I'm writing this because I don't really know how to name what I have, but as the title suggests, my sexuality and flaws are all about big bellies and nothing else. And I have a lot of problems with big bellies. I absolutely cannot be sexually attracted to a skinny or thin man. It's like my big belly fetish takes up so much space that it overshadows everything else. If it doesn't involve the belly, it often doesn't excite me. I sometimes wonder if I'm asexual or graysexual. Perhaps if this belly fetish and its procession of other oddities that accompany it had never germinated in my childhood brain. Maybe I would have had more standard sexual desires or maybe I would have remained potentially Ace. I don't know, but this "mono-obsession" with the belly means that I have a very low percentage chance of finding a person who has the right body and shares the same fetishes as me in reality. And that's part of why I signed up for sites like grommr. Because I have no choice. I think a lot of people reading this will recognize themselves. In any case, it’s not necessarily simple.

Good luck on Grommr. All my gay friends say they crazy over there.

But I feel you on the belly thing. Although I'm attracted to many things, big bellies are the sexiest to me. Nearly every guy I've gone after in the past 10 years has a big belly.

Hell, my partner knows if he wants to get me in the mood, all he has to do is lift up his shirt and wobble his belly. I'll be on him like white in rice.

That said, are you struggling to find someone?

I also heard that people were crazy on Grommr. Honestly, I encountered them very rarely. The problem is people who ignore you, people who chat with you and end up ignoring you for no reason, and people who ask you out and then ignore you. There are really a lot of them. and yes I have a lot of trouble finding someone for that. I once managed to get an appointment with a client for a feedism session. But he lived very far from my town, he came to my town to see a friend, do a feederism session with me, then returned to his town to the north afterwards. There is another feeder with whom I get along very well, he would love to do a feederism session with me but "of course" he lives very far from me. I've known people on grommr who haven't managed to get a single review even though they've been on grommr for several years. As for looking for a relationship, I remain quite flexible, I already see the person in real life first, I chat with them, and I will see if they simply remain friends, if we no longer speak afterward, or if it can be a future partner. For me, everything is done by feeling. But yes it's very hard to get an appointment on grommr apparently. for many people.

Absolutely anything a big guy can do with his stomach drives me crazy, as does you.
1 week
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