It finally happened...

Thanks so much for the advice. While people close to me have obviously noticed I am getting bigger, and I've even joked about it with a few of my friends, I'm still pretty nervous about actually admitting that it's on purpose, or at least recently it has been. But I think you're right that I should just be proud of it and not hide... Someday soon I hope I can muster the courage.

And I think you're also right about wanting to go further and further as you gain because even though I'm only starting out I can feel that desire already smiley
9 years

How much have you gained?

I've gained about 25-30 lbs so far in 2015. Hopefully it will continue at that pace through the rest of the year lol
9 years

It finally happened...

Hello all,

I have been on this site for a few years now, and I've loved watching others grow. I was never really into weight gain until I found fantasy feeder, and now it is a big part of my own fantasies. I have written a lot of stories on here that demonstrate just how much I enjoy the idea of someone growing larger. All of my fantasies were always about watching someone grow before my eyes, either with my help or just as a fan and supporter. But then recently, things have kind of changed...

For the first time in my life, I find myself getting bigger. It wasn't anything intentional, just a few things that are obvious in retrospect like eating big lunches when I used to skip lunch, a new desk job, etc. And while I knew I was gaining some, I didn't realize how "bad" it had gotten until recently. I finally stepped on a scale and while it wasn't anything crazy it was the heaviest I've ever been. And while I had the expected nervousness and all that, I actually found myself feeling kind of happy with it, but only in private. Now I have been feeling like I want to embrace it out in the open. I'm just not sure how to go about that I guess.

I guess I'm asking for advice: how do you tell people you're not only ok with how big you've gotten, but maybe you're going to keep getting bigger? Maybe leave the second part out? lol

Like I said, I've been a big fan of watching others grow for so long now, but I never even considered that I would be on the opposite side of it - the one getting bigger. I guess it was naive to think I could have one without the other potentially coming around. I'm not even that far along but I feel strongly that this is only the beginning. I've added pictures to my profile for the first time - I never really had a reason to before. I'll admit I was kind of nervous hitting the post button even though taking them was fun lol. I kind of hedged my bets with the captions to be honest. But it also felt like a relief to get it out there. To be seen as a growing guy even if it's only a fraction of some of you guys lol.

I'd love to talk to anyone who is in a similar situation or have been here in the past. Let me know what I'm up against or any pointers you may have. I look forward to sharing my progress with you as you have with me. I still can't really believe this is real in some ways lol but its happening!

Thanks for reading this far too long post and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
9 years