Theme of the month! - april

Oh boy… I’m definitely getting caught in it.

Almost done with the 3rd chapter with 1 more left, definitely cutting it close but I’m down for the challenge.
1 week

Fattening pink drink

Honestly, I didn’t realize how much stuff you could mix in with heavy cream and have it still taste delicious.
1 week

Fattening pink drink

There’s tons of these recipes out there for pink drinks, all involving different ingredients. What I’ve found tastes the best is white cran x strawberry with coconut milk.

It’s 9 parts cran x strawberry
with 1 part coconut milk

If you want it to be fattening, subbing out the coconut milk with heavy cream still tastes great.
1 week

Going on a cruise to stuff ourselves all day

Did this January earlier this year to kickstart my gaining. Of course with my luck, the food wasn’t good. I just had to stick to stuffing at the dinner and breakfast where the food was somewhat better quality.
1 week

Going on a cruise to stuff ourselves all day

Did this January earlier this year to kickstart my gaining. Of course with my luck, the food wasn’t good. I just had to stick to stuffing at the dinner and breakfast where the food was somewhat better quality.
1 week

The long wait

I wouldn’t recommend finding someone here if you want a relationship. But if you don’t go out much it’s probably best to meet someone through a matchmaking app. Hinge is really good if you give it a couple months to matchmake, even if you don’t, it starts out with showing mainly fat people. It even matched me with a feeder at one point, which I skittishly avoided after because it was too soon.

Really just experiment, people can play up sex history to be gross or intimidating, but sometimes it takes a couple times to find the right one, so don’t worry about it. Explore the fetish, if it’s killing you that you can’t settle, then set the fetish on the backburner and see what you find more fulfilling. It’s unlikely you’ll find the right person right away.
1 week

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

Good luck. This is not a situation I would want to be in. But I don't think that will happen to me.

Oh it’s not a problem. A few bad apples made it hard to feel comfortable with making my partner gain. Exes that were vulnerable and obsessive, gaining weight solely for me against their own will to feel wanted by me. It made it hard it hard to apply my fetish to anyone but myself.

I’m sure I could be a feeder after all that if the circumstances were all right. I just would rather stick to gaining. My partner may be into it by how they act around my newly found belly, but I trust their judgement to tell me and I won’t be the one to expose it.

And I wanna try different positions, it sometimes feels limiting. I know there is a post with fat positive sex positions but all felt more or less the same but at a slight angle, leg raised, or straight up didn't work for us.
1 week

Do you assume your kinks and fetish in real life.

I was just wondering if there were a lot of people who admitted to having these fetishes or kinks to their parents, families, friends, or work colleagues. How they reacted. Did they discover it or did you tell them? How do you live this experience?

For my part, no one knows. I simply don't assume it, especially since I have a lot of kinks around gaybears and bellies in general. If I told them all about my weird big weirdo's kinks, they'd be sent to the psychiatric asylum.

I told my partner, and a friend who I don't talk to much. But I haven’t told my therapist.

I’m quiet around fetishes and really don’t talk about it. My partner recently has asked me if I would love them after they lost weight with their new injection they were approved for. The question was vague and not really as direct as I worded it. But we clearly both don't want to talk about it. That was the first time they suggested my fetish since maybe a year ago when I first brought it up.
1 week

Sixth love language

I’m sorry to rock your horse but that sounds like acts of service.
2 weeks
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