Feedee regret

Morbidly A Beast:
Content Creators are Toxic for the parasocial aspect it sends mixed signals to people who probably don’t know better, but it really isn’t the creators fault but like it isn’t said enough I feel like. But I also think sex work is real work. Big brain.

Big agree.

But also, karma. Know your industry and know the realities of it. Don’t take the job if you can’t handle the paperwork.
2 months

Feedee regret

I think it’s crazy how many weak willed followers exist today to jump on a train and condemn a man you don’t even know because someone else dislikes what he says.

You also go on to make assumptions and categorize the man based on what you believe. You don’t know me.

But you will defend a group of people exploiting others for money in this community.

This is the state of the world today. Too many sheeple.

You condemn others by calling them weak willed, as you are saying you are condemned. It sounds like you are pushing yourself away, because you are, and thats how this started.

After you started criticizing… the entire site?… naturally nobody is going to be on your side. You probably got all up in a twist by this, and the cracks in your personality slipped. If you wanted nothing to start say “yeah I think all SW are bitches” but no, you specified only women can be a bitch while doing it.

I don’t care that the site has people exploiting people for money. Thats happening on every website I have visited, every store I have visited, almost everywhere you go you can and will be exploited. It really is a non issue, don’t be exploited and make genuine connections if that’s what you want.

It’s not the state of the world “today” it’s the state of the world everyday long before any of us were born. Hell KIDS do it. You think Jimmy brought the same toy to school the day you lost it? No.

Your webs of words you say have already been spun time and time again. I hope you can look at them and maybe get some awareness as to where they are coming from, because it is not your personality making them, I guarantee you that.
2 months

But one get one

What sucks is when your BOGO is actually a BO for a chance at getting a BOGO deal.

Yup, Bibibop really made me buy two bowls just to get one free last year. Their deal was “BOGO if you buy a bowl and the chiefs win the superbowl”.

So not only did I get caught thinking it was “BOGO if the chiefs win the superbowl” I also had to eat 3 bowls in the span of a week because you could only redeem the BOGO the following week. I used to frequently go there and now I haven’t been there since. Wore me out on the food completely.
2 months

Anyone have autosexual feelings?

Autosexual meaning sexual attraction to oneself, not “self love” which is unrelated. Im curious to how common this is in gainers or feedees since I would think they are attracted to themselves being fatter.

I’m autosexual, but that’s a given since I have hypersexuality stemming from my bipolar disorder.
2 months

Heavy cream experiences, the ultimate gaining tool?

I just drank heavy cream for the first time. I added chocolate syrup and chugged 32 ounces.

That is not a good starting amount. Maybe start with 4 oz. I do anywhere from a half cup to a full cup. Your body can’t process all that and it’s going to go through you and you will feel it.
2 months

Always “feedee” rarely “foodie”

Something I’ve noticed in my chronic investigation of any profile I see on forum threads is that not enough of you like food.

Come on takeout, pizza, burgers and french fries? No offense to you if you are neurodivergent and can’t tolerate much more, but come on, where’s the variety? If your feeder cares for you they should be making you some delicious pasta with a fattening sauce on the daily, if not prep food for later.

Maybe I’m too small and too broke for constant fast food and takeout to get it, but I would want a feeder working themselves each meal to plump me up, not just be my glorified door dasher.
2 months

Is this site shutting down?

I would guess that maybe if you are on university provided wifi or something of that nature they could be redirecting traffic to google.

A university I worked with blocked urban dictionary of all things.
2 months

Food guilt

TW: s/h

Anytime I try to gain I never feel as if my motives are driving me, and I’m just using food as an escape or for control.

I started gaining January during a cruise because it was fitting. Since then I’ve put on 10 pounds and tracked my weight obsessively. Once in the morning once at night. It absolutely is a turn on, I’m watching real time as my weight increases and my capacity increases. Unfortunately it also feels like I’m grasping for control.

As someone who has s/h in the past I understand the high feeling I got from it from that control. Whenever I’m gaining it’s so similar that it’s hard not to associate the two.

It doesn't help that my work circumstance would justify the feeling of no control. I’m currently waiting for more hours so I can move to salary, but am not receiving the proper workload from project managers so I’m stuck as a part time contractor with no other companies. I have enough money for rent for the next year and paying off all student loans, my situation is annoying at worst requiring me to find another job.

To clarify, I don’t want to s/h and haven't since I was in high school. I’m receiving therapist attention and have already talked on my work situation. My snag is I don’t want to inform my therapist of my fetish, and ask how to separate the association of s/h at the same time.

Just curious if anyone else has similar feelings and knows techniques to disassociate the two. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
3 months

Stuffing threesome ( 2 feeders 1 feedee)

Feel like this is one of those bullshit riddles where there is no correct answer.
3 months
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