If you had a wish - survey

I like these questions!
1. I'm currently 165 lbs

2. I've always wanted to double my weight, so anywhere from 320 up to 350. Maybe even bigger eventually, but I think the low 3's is the smallest I want to be.

3. For just a day I would go pretty big just to experience it, I'd say 500 maybe?

4. I'd want something to jump start my gain, while still leaving most of it up to me, so 200 to make me chubby and then I'd gain the rest naturally.
8 years

Gaining with other guys: non gay?

For me, gaining is a huge turn on and to share that with someone that I'm not at all attracted to would make me uncomfortable. I've been asked by plenty of guys on here if I want a "gaining buddy" or something like that, so it's not uncommon at all for guys to want to talk and gain together, but for me personally I just find it too weird to go through with.
8 years

Gaining 'fat' instead of looking bloated

This is just my observation- Men in particular seem to gain just in their belly at first and they end up with that "bloated" look. Over time it seems to soften up and spread out more evenly. There's nothing I know of that causes you to gain more evenly, you just have to give it time.
8 years

I've forced women i've talked to online to get fat. ama

You really can't force anyone online to do anything they don't want to do unless you're blackmailing them. So these girls who were "forced" to gain weight were probably into it, as many people are (myself included). And actually, if you skim through OP's other posts he seems to respect people's privacy and consent. So while it may be worded a little harshly, I really don't think there's anything wrong with this thread.
8 years

3 questions for feedees

1. 155
2. 300
3. As big as I can get with out sacrificing too much mobility. Probably around 500.
8 years

What's the sexiest expression you've heard?

A friend of mine was talking about how excited she was for Thanksgiving and she said she was gonna come back a whole different person and said how she was probably gonna have rolls when she got back.
8 years


They're both good, but I enjoy the process more than the end result. Gaining weight and watching my body change is a little more fun than just being fat.
8 years

Looking for feedees!

I guess I could help you!(:

I would love that!
8 years

Looking for feedees!

I would love to gain some weight if you'll help me. I'm definitely thin and shy and I'd really like to get fatter. I think some encouragement is exactly what I need!
8 years


It doesn't make a difference to me, local or not because I'm not looking for people to meet irl right now. It can be fun to have something in common with the person you're talking too but that's it. Now, if I were looking for someone to potentially meet up with, then location would be a big factor.
8 years
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