Any video gamers

I'll play just about everything, and do so regularly, short of most sports games, though I tend to focus on shooters and RPGs.

Recently, I've been playing a lot of Disgaea 4, Dead Island, Suikoden 5, and Bastion.
Ultimately, I'm looking forward to Guild Wars 2, out sometime next year, as I hope to get rid of all this free time I suddenly have after quitting WoW a couple years back.
12 years

Any tabletop gamers?

I dabble in DND and other random tabletop games, but to say I have a grasp on the rules is an overstatement. I do vastly prefer 4e to 3.5 though, largely due to simplicity and because I was introduced to it first. If an online game does get started up, I'd be willing to join up as well.
12 years

Which song are you listening?

Ships with Holes will Sink - We Were Promised Jetpacks
12 years

Fat and height

Being a bit short for a guy at 5'8"/5'9", I've come to prefer shorter women. However, it's not really something I intentionally seek out, just an added bonus if true. Anybody who does regard height to be a deal breaker seems a bit odd to me.
12 years

Favorite anime

bbwildrose wrote:
anyone seen Arrietty yet?

I saw it, and to be honest, it was a tiny bit disappointing. Anticlimactic, but sweet.

My all time favorite anime is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! Over the top, inspirational action. A like quite a few others though:
-Cowboy Bebop
-Samurai Champloo
12 years

"sexy" eating?

Both can be turn ons, but I think I prefer a slower, methodical, seductive pace. Knowing the woman is enjoying the meal and putting on a show is far more entrancing than sheer gluttony, though that can have its appeal as well.
12 years