My skin is quite elasctic so that's it then. It's also extremely smooth which is also a sign of elastic skin so I've heard it said by other people with such skin.
5 days
Despite having been anorexically underweight, and having a peak weight gain of 30lbs in one month, I've never ever had a single stretchmark. Not sure why?
5 days
I sorta did a basic "fitness test" having gained tons of weight and done no exercise in the last 5 months.
I can still run at least half a mile up hill at 234lbs without getting out of breath, so could be worse. Probably will be by the time I reach 250lbs, my goal, if I actually do. (Deadline is in March).
5 days
Belly getting so fat my belt has been digging in and painful, so off it goes.
1 week
Not necessarily. Gaining doesn't have to be to do with sexual desire at all. Some people might gain because they just like being fat or the lifestyle and other things with nothing to do with sex.
I became asexual in 2018 (yes it is possible to become asexual) and gaining has little to nothing to do with "sexual" stuff for me now.
HOWEVER Gaining and fatness is still very sensual for me with the softness and smoothness of it. So not necessarily sexual, but very sensual.
2 weeks
It's actually gone down again.
TBF, I'm getting a bit bored of this now. It's been kinda fun in a way, but I'm giving this another two months and hope I'll get as close to my goal as possible.
I feel like it's not doing me much good physically, and my weight is plateauing at this point.
Anyway, on a positive side, I got a higher weight than ever this time, which is cool even if it's not really going up any more. Think I've reached my physical limit.
2 weeks
No. Not for me. I shave any body hair I get which isn't much anyway. Love a bald smooth belly.
2 weeks
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 233.4lbs
BMI: 28.4
Verdict: Slow progress..... slow.
2 weeks
I had a dream about feeding myself tons last night. It was kinda hot, until I noticed that I kept crapping myself, and then my toilet overflowed repeatedly all over the floor, causing a big mess.
That was definitely NOT hot.
And no, this stuff doesn't happen in real life thankfully (I mean the uncontrollable crapping; I do eat a lot but have full control over my bowels thank you).
2 weeks