Feeder to feedee.

Yeah, I totally agree with what you say.
2 weeks

Feeder to feedee.

So I’ve always been a fan of fatter bodies, but for most of my life it’s been some the perspective of a feeder, but over the past couple years I’ve begun to fantasize more and more about me being the one getting fat. Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve always been super skinny and more or less fine with it but recently it’s like a switch flipped and kinda want to try putting on weight and gaining a pot belly.

Morbidly A Beast:
Congrats on accepting this part of yourself, that’s awesome hope you start enjoying it!

Part of me thinks that the feeder/fat admirerer to feedee/gainer is sexual imprinting from the fetish basically you want to fatten someone so badly you become the one being fattened, but also part of me thinks that deep down people like you always wanted to be fat but didn’t find it in themselves to let themselves go but did so vicariously through a feedee/fat person. It’s intresting for sure
2 weeks

Thinking about gaining

Yeah I am beginning to see exactly what you mean. I think because it turns me on so much I will have little control over my gaining.
2 weeks

Losing control

You have also multiplied your fat cells so it’s tough to slow down once you start
YES SO TRUE…taguenutrition.com/fat-cells-battleground-unwanted-weight-gain/
1 month

What were your hottest feederism related dreams?

Well I had a dream once where I was probably 400-500 lbs with a loving boyfriend that treated me well and kept me fed. I think I was shirtless.
Had a dream my partner was secretly fattening me up without me realizing it.
1 month

Does everyone here get turned on by fat or gaining?

I have always been attracted to big people since birth. I feel like my brain is just wired that way, I am programmed to like "big" men. But when it comes to weight gain, I have a bit of an ambiguous relationship with it. I like big men, but I don't like them if they are too big or even obese, because when weight gain becomes too extreme, I know it can lead to serious health problems and even physical disabilities. I am more attracted to men who are similar to big rugby players (big but massive and muscular at the same time). I think there must be ways to gain weight in a healthy way without destroying your health and being athletic at the same time. I think I would feel too guilty if I had force-fed a fed and he found out he had serious health problems because of his weight gain and that I had contributed to it. I like feeding fat guys, and I have done it before. But for me, it should remain an occasional act and not something regular that could make him gain too much weight. I am turned on by men who have full bellies, who burp and who massage their bellies, not by gaining extra pounds. I have read very sordid and disturbing comments on grommr, from feedees who had sexual arousal to destroy their health and become handicapped by their obesity to the point of losing their physical autonomy and becoming dependent on others or their feeders, or comments from feeders who had sexual arousal to make the feedees fat, humiliate them and celebrate their first "heart attacks in the hospital" as if it were a birthday. In any case, weight gain is like all things, you have to know how to dose and be moderate I think. But I prefer not to take that risk. Especially for someone.

I feel like we feeders do not have this conversation enough. It's all about how fat you can make your feedee. Hardly anyone talks about the fear of hurting your feedee or the guilt that comes from a health scare.

Stockylove:. Feedees/Gainers/Feeders all have to talk openly about what each other wants out of their relationship.
1 month

Have any feedees/gainers told their family they want to get fat or fatter?

I have and received displeasure. Now live on my own and happy being me.
You’re a moment in time, make it a great one and one of happiness of being who you are.
1 month

Why are you fat?

I personally find it arousing. I love to touch the soft fat on my wife's belly ( she hates being softer and thinks I'm weird for loving it ) and on my own belly. I love how it feels when my belly hangs over my belt when I sit. I still am having a hard time mentally with gaining more due to public acceptance. I did just get back from the store with some binge food and pizza!!
Pizza's done!
How sad we have to live in a society like this.
Yes, the stigma of being fat much less making yourself fat is one that messes up a feedee/gainers mind sometimes. Luckily most do what makes them happy by getting fat and or being made to get fat by a feeder partner.
1 month

When men gain weight, they tend to develop potbellies?

The answer has to do with how the body stores fat. When men gain weight, the default storage place is the belly. Think of it like the trunk of a car, said Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Just like people loading up a trunk for a picnic at the park, "You can put things there; no problem," Li told Live Science. 
But if men eat too much and don't get enough exercise, then just like a jam-packed trunk, that belly space is going to run out of room, Li said. Once a man has a full potbelly, the body starts storing fat elsewhere.
1 month
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