Who here started as feeder/fa and turned a 100% feedee?

Encourager Queer Guy:
I know it's quite common, I am just fascinated by that process and how it happens.
is there a specific incidence that triggers the switch or does it happen over time?
are there signes? is it easy to accept and adapt to the new lifestyle?
is the feeder/FA phase just a form a projection of what will eventually happen?
For me it was a combination of things that got me here. I remember as going to grade school and a classmate had an older brother that was very lean and from 4rd grade to 8th grade he slowly got FAT. I was amazed by it. Then I saw a FAT biker going down the street on a motorcycle and his jelly belly was jiggling. Those are moments burnt into my mind as a beautiful thing.
1 month

Who here started as feeder/fa and turned a 100% feedee?

I pretty much transitioned from fa to gainer. It’s been a process since the teen years, but early on was definitely afraid of getting fat, but admired it, enjoyed the pov content, and then tried some soft core stuffing. Been on and off as a gainer ever since then, I love the idea of getting bigger, finding new things that are more difficult, and just in general having more of that softness for myself. Can only admire it for so long before you need more….
I think many of us that were into fa that transition to gainer have the same story as you. I never ever thought that I would be the one that wanted to get fat or better yet be made to get fat by someone that wanted me to get fat.
1 month

Who here started as feeder/fa and turned a 100% feedee?

I had a pipeline of like, attracted exclusively to fat girls -> consuming a lot of weight gain fetish content -> finding myself drawn to first person perspective ones -> projecting myself into any type of content like that -> understanding that the idea of me getting fat was way more core to my sexuality than basically any other factor by my mid-20s. And also like understanding that my fixation on fat people as a teen had evolved into more of a “god I wish that was me” sensation.

It’s caused like relationship friction before since I decided to stop beating around the bush about it. It’s like, yes I’m attracted to you, yes you’re hot. Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if in wasn’t into what you’ve got happening over there. But the fact is you’re gonna get a way more intense response from me by grabbing my rolls, talking up how fat I’m getting, etc.
1 month

Interesting fact about fat fetish

4% of Americans have a fat fetish – making it one of the most common fetishes in the US.

*** 1 in 14 men has a fat fetish Thats (7%) ***
1 month

Are you attracted to the opposite of your body type or the same as yours?

Personality and compatibility are the most important to me, but I am into contrast.

I find this seeing the stomach grow, as well as rest of the body, very attractive. But only on someone else. The contrast between our bodies adds on to that. Reminds me that their body has grown and developed. Reminds me of when they were thinner. I find that very attractive.
I agree with all you wrote.
1 month

Who here started as feeder/fa and turned a 100% feedee?

Encourager Queer Guy:
I know it's quite common, I am just fascinated by that process and how it happens.
is there a specific incidence that triggers the switch or does it happen over time?
are there signes? is it easy to accept and adapt to the new lifestyle?
is the feeder/FA phase just a form a projection of what will eventually happen?

Not necessarily. I started out as a gainer. Now I am a feeder and an FA. Still, I'm very much in the minority.
I was a fat admirer then a feeder then unintentionally gained weight and saw that my six pac was gone and got turned on, now Im a gainer.
1 month

Looking for feeder who can make me fatter.

I’d love to fatten you up get u sexy and hot
We gotta talk.
1 month

Any gay feeders looking?

Im looking for a guy to fatten smiley
look no further.
1 month
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