You know you're fat when...

Your FUPA is so big, people don't notice you are walking around with a hard-on.

Literally just happened.
6 years

You know you're fat when...

You know your fat when almost every other guy posting pictures weighs less than you!
6 years

You know you're fat when...

When your pants waist measurement is greater than the length measurement by 10" or more.

Damn, now I really feel fat- 50" waist, 29" length.
6 years

Fat mons pubis (male and female)

I first noticed it somewhere around 250lbs, when I realized I had gotten "shorter" in that area. My initial fear has been slowly replaced with desire and excitement as I watch it slowly erase that part of me from existence. Strange but true.
6 years

You know you're fat when...

Yes. That's why I keep mine on a belt clip. Unfortunately, that is also beginning to lose the battle of the bulge as my gut continues to spread.
6 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

All the sounds my office chair makes throughout the day, reminding me how close I am to exceeding the maximum weight for it. Not sure which is more humiliating/exciting- having to bring in a special chair that will hold my weight or having to go to a doctor (and all that comes with that) to get a note approving it.
6 years

Wider than you are tall?

I wanted to tie this on here and add a separate post if needed.

I've really had no reason to have my height measured in the last few years, and have always responded with my last known height of 6'1". But when I went to the doctor with the flu they measured and said my height was 5'10"! So not only am I 24 inches rounder than I was 10 years ago, my fat has made me 3 inches shorter! Has anyone else experienced this?
6 years

Detailed list of bodily changes

Male perspective:
Chest- my moobs and side-moobs keep my arms from lying flat at my sides and make any task involving reaching across my own body difficult to impossible.
Belly- in addition to the obvious jiggles, there is a shift in balance. My gut sways as I walk and I have to compensate for it. It makes me more front-heavy and likely to fall forward if I'm not careful. Finding shirts that will tuck in and look professional is hard because I wear my pants under my gut.
Hips- although I have very little to call an ass, it and my hips continuously widening results in difficulty reaching to wipe myself. I have to constantly reevaluate whether or not I'm going to get stuck trying to sit in a chair with arms (which I actively try to avoid), and seats in general that are designed for narrower people pinch and squeeze me uncomfortably.
Thighs- everyone talks about rubbing and chafing thighs, but there is more to it. The same rubbing will wear through clothing faster. Also, as a male, you will find less and less space for your "man parts"- even when nude. As a male, you may also find that as your pubic area gets fatter (search "fupa" ), your manhood will get steadily shorter as it becomes surrounded by fat.
Feet- if you truly go big, expect that your feet will get wider. You won't notice at first because your shoes will wear and stretch with you. It comes as a surprise the next time you have to buy shoes and they feel like a vise. Slip-ons will become a priority, as reaching down to tie laces will be the biggest exercise you have all day. Similarly with socks, I have reached a point where I can't comfortably put socks on without help.
That's my quick but detailed list. If I think of anything else I'll add it. If you want to to discuss anything in detail, feel free to message me or post on here. As long as it's not censor-worthy, I'll post a response for everyone.
6 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Realizing the only way to sit comfortably on the bus is to straddle two seats because I'm too fat to fit in one.🤗
6 years

Have you ever suspected that someone was a feeder?

growin guy:
My imagination and belly were fed again by this beautiful possible feeder. She brought in a huge container of carrot cake cupcakes. I ate at least 6 today and hid three for later, to her apparent delight. I'm left wondering whether she was just bored, or she's lurking on here and saw my post yesterday. Either way, I'm always happy and grateful.

Curious 1:
Maybe you should ask her to make you a private desert smiley

Actually, when I mentioned my birthday coming up, she insisted I decide on my favorite type of cake so she could bake it. I finally told her I would love some kind of peanut butter cake after she inspired me with Reese's cups. She came in the next Monday with an insanely delicious chocolate and peanut butter cake AND melt in your mouth peanut butter fudge. She just smiled when I asked if it was a test run.
6 years
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