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The accidental gainer (ex-jock)

You’ve always been a skinny/ athletic person, you’ve probably never even gave a second thought about being fat, but when it accidently happened something clicked inside you and you started to enjoy it very much. And when it happened it challenged all your pre conceived ideas about what’s sexy and what’s not even though you probably have struggled with it for a while. But now you love how your body has changed from fit to fat and you enjoy every aspect of it, you try to document the changes and measure your body every time you gain. Gaining for you is about the journey and witnessing all the subtle changes that happens with it, rather than just the result.
2 years

Snacking & not knowing when to stop

Crunchy, salty snacks are my kryptonite - it's so easy to eat a family sized bag while grazing or bored.
2 years

What were the first physical limatations as you got fatter?

Stairs were the first thing I noticed as I started to get out of shape, followed by how much more out of breath I was getting when parking my car and making my way into the office. Tying my shoes also became a lot more difficult, as my paunch was starting to get in the way.
2 years

Anyone a smoker?

Weed only here as well
2 years

Is stuffing when hungry better?

I've always kind of likened it to going to a buffet - it's good to stuff when you're hungry, but pacing oneself you're going to be able to eat a lot more, and the stuffing is usually more satisfying when I do.
2 years

How can i stay healthy but get fat?

Low impact cardio - walking
Having a strong core as well - helps with back issues.

This will slow down your gains a bit, but the work you're putting in is worth it.
2 years

Face getting round, when?

about 190ish I started to notice a double chin - took a bit of time to get used to at first. And so small, now that I think about it. Haha.
2 years

What are some of the appeals of extreme obesity?

I love how much room I take up when I sit down.
Love being able to play with my fat
I love that I can eat a lot of what I like most, or in the case of food like Chinese or Thai, order a variety of foods to eat.
2 years

For those for started out thinner- do you also enjoy the non-erotic parts of daily life?

For the most part, I love having gotten bigger, but there are some drawbacks that I could do without. My knees are shot and I'm likely going to need a cane or some kind of walking assistance and there's the annoyance of being super hot in the summer and sweating the amount that I sometimes do.

Clothing and finding clothing that fits in a way that I like and am comfortable with is sometimes a bitch too - especially when you've found clothes that you like and have outgrown. As much as a turn on it is to outgrow my clothes, it's a double edged sword in finding replacements.

For me, the double edge sword is back pain when doing a lot of repetitive motion. But on the other hand, I’m just too damn hungry to stop eating :-)

That too. Having a strong core does help with the back issues though, but only for so long.
2 years
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