So who is actually gaining weight here?

Not doing it quite yet, but very close to doing it. Trying to find the right kind of encouragement to go all the way with my goal in mind.

So if that seats me in the "fanta-sizing" category, I'm fine with that for now.
16 years

Scooter bound?

Teddy Bear wrote:
Gettingfatter wrote:
Buffetbelly wrote:
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Getting over 600 pounds takes years of hard work eating day in and day out with no breaks, unless you have a medical issue that makes you retain a massive amount of water.

I understand that, but I'm considering goalwise if that'd be a decision I'd like to possibly chase after. Nothing to the point where I need it to get around the house, but say longer distances.

I've seen your profile on I-Seek-U saying that your 5 ft 10 and 170 pounds. I wish you every success of achieving your goal of 600 + pounds.

Right now I weigh 385 pounds at 5 ft 6 in, and I hope to double my weight over the next three years. I've been gaining about 10 pounds per month on average for the past 8 months.

I've been practicing immobility at home. I live in a small studio apartment, and in front of my computer, I have one of those office chairs on wheels, and I use it to wheel myself around my apartment instead of walking into my kitchen to fix my meals, I just wheel myself around to do everything. So, I'm getting prepared for immobility.

Anyway, just be patient, keep on eating, and just take life at an easy going pace, and eventually immobility will come to you.

Hope you reach your goal of 600 pounds soon. smiley

Thanks Teddy. Kind words like yours make this seem a little less of a risk and more of a pursuit of a dream.
16 years

Scooter bound?

Buffetbelly wrote:
I wouldn't worry too much about it. Getting over 600 pounds takes years of hard work eating day in and day out with no breaks, unless you have a medical issue that makes you retain a massive amount of water.

I understand that, but I'm considering goalwise if that'd be a decision I'd like to possibly chase after. Nothing to the point where I need it to get around the house, but say longer distances.
16 years

Scooter bound?

My girlfriend spotted a really big couple a few days ago when she was downtown. She told me that the guy was absolutely huge (like over 500 lbs) and the girl was very big too (she guessed that she was about 400 or so). She told me that she started to try to imagine me that big, and told me that she'd love to see me have to use a scooter being that big.

I'm not totally sure of how to feel about this. Part of me is worried about the idea of having my mobility cut down so drasticly and it's a bit too close to immobility for my liking. But another part of me finds this to be a bit of a turn on in the sense that I would be so fat, but also at the idea that I could get even bigger than I intended.

For those who are that big, do you like or dislike having to use a scooter if you have one? Would you use one? For those that are like me (fanta-sizers), does anyone else have any thoughts about it.
16 years

Anyone had a real life encounter with a feeder/feedee?

My ex-girlfriend was a feedee for a short while, and told me that she still fantasizes about weight gain from time to time. Most of the other girls that I've been involved with have known about my feeder and feedee "preferences". smiley

Each one of them accepted that that was a part of me - I never laid any kind of pressure on them to gain weight at all, and made it quite clear about my own intentions (whenever I get around to it) to become extremely fat.

It was all about communication and trust. But in each case, I was involved with them romantically and pretty much locked into a LTR. By that point they were usually ready and comfortable with getting to know me, and accept that I'm the person for them.
16 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Either one on a girl is fine with me. For myself, I'm hoping to be extremely pear shaped, so I think a pot belly would suit me fine. smiley
16 years

Never met a fa in real life

juicy wrote:
I've always said we should wear a secret pin, like a smaller circle on top of a bigger one, or something. That way we could recognize each other...

There's a men's clothing line here where I live that goes by the initials BBW. I was thinking to myself that I should pick one up, since it would be a funny way of identifying myself as a fa.
16 years
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