Weight gain articles

Hey quick question,

Does anyone know of any author that has written/is writing an article about how to gain weight and get fat? I searched on the net and found a few but they are just making fun of it and say at the end that they really want you to do the opposite..lol.

Yeh just didn't know. I mean if the rest of the world can get "how to lose weight" why can we have how to gain weight?
13 years

Fattening jobs

I worked at Chik-Fil-A and we always got free meals that had to add up to like $6.75 but then we got half off on top of that for anything else we wanted. After two years of workig there I gained about 30-40 pounds because I kept buying desert and nuggets! smiley
13 years

Gaining contracts?

Wow, I thought I was the only one who got turned on by the contracts! If I ever get brave enough I'd love to make one with someone..lol. until then I can just fantasize on what I feel one would write for me. smiley Glad you feel the same way tho!

I am off to check out your story!
13 years
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