"selective" body fattening?

Different foods don't go to different areas, where your fat goes is based on genetics, as several people have already stated.

Also she should know that the workouts that "target" fat on certain body parts is a bunch of bull. For example doing hundreds of crunches wouldn't make her lose more belly fat than butt fat, it would build muscle but there would still be fat on top of the muscle.

Someone also mentioned body binding, I'm not sure about how affective that would be. Back when corsets were popular women would continue to wear tighter and tighter corsets until you could actually wrap your hands around their waist (I wouldn't suggest doing this as death do to complications from organs shifting was normal in these women). There was actually a special on TV once about a woman who still does this, it was downright bizzare.
13 years

Straight male belly sites?

Why HellOoooooooo

-Sulu out
13 years

Am i alone or what?

You are definitly not alone, I myself also love nice fat upper arms.
13 years


Bugs of any kind, I started having a wierd spasm one when a giant bug snuck up on me.

Large expanses of water, open ocean would be one example, but even foot deep water if it covers enough area. Anyone ever play Zelda OoC on the n64? That room where you fight shadow link creeps the shit out of me.

Heights, but this eventually got better, I can climb up on my roof now!
13 years

Does a visitor have a right?

Towards what Eagledancer said (I'm not gonna quote it, it was rather long), I think that this situation goes beyond just personal rules. However, I do think what you said was good advice, and I can see the problems that can be created by those kinds of misunderstandings, I think that you'd be hard pressed to find someone that thought going through other peoples' email is ok. This may not apply to email but going through someone elses regular mail without their consent is illegal and email should be appraoched in the same fashion.
13 years

What's your second life name?

Reaper13 wrote
twistedwriterscorpio wrote
YAY!! More Second Lifers smiley
I hope y'all don't mind if I add you. I'm MelissaAnn Majestic smiley

Go ahead and add me, not sure how to add people myself though.

I'm still fiddlin' with the new UI myself.
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Ironcladshadow wrote
'ello everyone! Joined a few days ago, looking for friends and hopefully someone who can mean a lot more than that. Any gamers in the crowd, PC or otherwise?

Do you have a steam account?
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hi, I'm Sketcforcash! I just joined the other day. I've always had a thing for larger woman and I'm looking for friends that I can talk to about this stuff and if I'm lucky, maybe a special someone smiley.
If you live Washington hit me up!
13 years
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