What game are you playing?

Currently replaying S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl and then I'm going to get the lost alpha mod I think.
10 years

* location shout outs part 3*

Kirkland, Washington, hit me up if you're from the North West!
10 years

Favorite flavor milkshake?

Strawberry, REPRESENT!
10 years

What's your personality type?

I find it odd that there are so many INTJ's when they're supposed to be one of the smallest groups of types haha.

INTJ as well. I haven't taken the test in a long time though.
10 years

Seattle meet up?

Yeah, someone wanted help with setting up a V-Day one but I didn't hear anything from them after that and I wasn't trying to set one up by myself. I might be down to get something rolling later on though, I'm just super busy with school stuff. It would help if we had the map feature again though so I could send invites to folks in the area, otherwise I'd have to rely more on you guys to message your friends that you know are in the area and just generally get the word out.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Just finished Rygar on the NES, bit of weird one that.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

Saphiel Sir wrote:
Metroid II: Return of Samus.

Hell yeah! I just beat super metroid myself a couple days ago.
10 years

So what games are you playing?

ChubbyMuffin wrote:
League of Legends. Gearing up for the new season and trying some different strats with friends.

AC4, bb.

Skyrim, duh.

Path of Exile--tried it, didn't like it too much.

What do you think of the new trinkets this season?
10 years

Pokemon! ^_^

That's right, I should probably finish pokemon Y. Nahhh, Demon's Crest is too fun.
10 years
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