I find this odd.. do others?

Well I've closed my facebook, so this makes the topic somewhat (but not completely) irrelevant for me. When I did have an active facebook page, it was more to connect with family and friends that I actually knew in person. I had a few people from FF on my facebook friends list, but in total, there were about half a dozen or so people on my list that i've never actually met face to face. I suppose that's the way my facebook account rolled. I was pretty private about it. Most of those from FF that were on my facebook, I had met before.
Eventually my concerns about security and identity theft got the better of me, that's why I closed it.
11 years

Asses and thighs

I'm certainly not one to complain about any of the above. I love something to hold onto and the softness they have.
11 years

Coming out of the fat closet

I was once in the same boat as you, Bigjellobelly. I had a prefernce for bigger girls when I was about 15 or 16. Admittedly, I hung out with the bigger girls at high school, but one I was 18, I began dating chubby girls. I didn't say anything to them about their weight for a while in case they were offended by it. Over time, I came to accept it more myself, and my dad started giving me a bit of grief about the girls I was seeing, but I stayed with my beliefs.
On another note, this website has helped me a lot, and i've mingled with a few other members of this site. I'm pretty open about who I am now, even if it took until I was in my mid 20's to fully accept and appreciate it.
11 years

It's my birthday!!!

I hope you had a good birthday, mate.
11 years

Your own licence plate?

As I mentioned a while ago, I have custom plates (6 letters, no numbers). They cost me $310 back in 2003. Now that my rear plate is cracking and I want a colour change (due to getting a different coloured vehicle), the replacements are going to cost me $655. Definitely better spent on food there, thus I have not replaced them.
11 years

Burping, yea or nay?

Not something I can do, but I have no issues with those around me doing it, as long as its not a formal event or anything like that.
11 years

Currently listening to?

At the minute, I'm hearing Taken on the telly in the background, but as of late, I'm finding myself listening mostly to contemporary rock. Just to help chill out and unwind.

Mr Big - To Be With You
Extreme - More Than Words
Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
Empra - Only Love
Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Foster The People - Warrant
Parachute Youth - Can't Get Better Than This
M83 - Midnight City

There's a few more as well, but stuff like that.
11 years

Pizza toppings !!

I'm not a fan of seafood, so there goes any anchovies or prawns on pizzas for me, however, depending on my mood, I love meatlovers, BBQ chicken and also the 'ring sting' mexican pizzas with chilli flakes or jalepino peppers. I'm also a huge fan of pineapple, but there has to be more to a pizza than just ham & pineapple (Sorry if i'm stereotyping here, but in Australia, a ham & pineapple pizza is also known as Hawaiian).
I've hears someone say - and I agree with this - is that Sri Lankans make the best pizzas.
11 years

Suggestion to my bf?

Would it be wise to just grab his hand and place it on your belly? whether it be during intimate moments or snuggling? One could only wonder how it would go?
11 years
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