Geass inquiry: which was the coolest knightmare frame?

This goes out to anyone who's seen or found images of on the internet of the Knightmare Combat Frames that mad the anime and one of the manga series of Code Geass so awesome; which was the most awesome piece of death dealing machinery in your book?
I was torn between the Lancelot Albion and the Gawain/ Shinkirou. The Albion was like some mechanical angle of death from on high; the Gawain was Zero's first actually leaderly knightmare plus it introduced us to the wonder of Hadron Cannons; and as to the Shinkirou, need I say more? Between the wrist-flick hadrons, "Zero beam", and ultimate defense field it was one bad @$$ rig.
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

Acceptance of self in image and intelect is an agreeably tricky process that everyone takes in different strides regardless of similarities apparent upon observation.
Either way, societal biases are mental conveniences/ crutches people use when they're too lazy to think or don't have the time to reason it out; I chalk it up as one to the graver faults of our fast paced world really. Between school, work, socializing [when possible], romances, and other obligations, all the intel' processing it requires means that especailly with the younger, more easily swayed sets of a populace pick-up on these quick fixes to actually analyzing a sitution critically. Or at least something similar.
13 years

How many people here are in shape and seeking a feedee/fat person

You know, noting that there is an appeal amongst others-and myself, toward the extreme or semi-so contrast of fit versus fat, maybe there's more to this, like when they say opposites attract or some such thing.
Anyhooters, I've never been the most fit but between janitorial and farm work my physique is fairly developed; I could work on an area or two, but since I'm still nearly peek all around by my standards they've never bugged me. Especially since I hike, do kendo, and practice with my bo staff [practiced, currently being replaced] during the warmer months, that tends to remedy itself in time cyclically enough.
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

I kind of hope not actually; I think there's stil meat to be had on the bones of this discussion. Besides, having had my threads go off in my face as well it only seems dense to not make a point that all forum posters are not of equal skill in explanations of their perspective. No offense TheGuyWithTheHair, just noting it for the sake of argument.
His point is acually one that has been noted before with some debate; that being a rather classic moralistic argument of effectively every lot whose been put down by society on just how right or wrong knocking someone is in the first place. It often further goes onward into the debate of related arguments about whether retaliation would merely be karma against the antagonizers, etcetera etcetera. Personally, in the short term I think a little payback is fair play but that it's all around wrong to speak ill of someone else based on the hand of cards they can't control. Beyond that, if they choose to make themselves suffer, so be it; no need to stick a stuck pig.
13 years

Does this fetish have an evolutionary origin?

Actually, that one's got a deeper root than the one I already illuded to; it goes back to protohuman survival reactions and has a hint of modern social angst in it.
See, bigger women tend to be in vogue even more than the natural preculsion when percieved or active conditions are worse. Now, in africa itself bigger isn't better; between the Lions and Leopards and Cheetas[oh my!] larger for guys and girls alike was a death sentence as they were not only more tempting targets but slower marks. Coupled with the larger tendancy of population means that african natives tend to air on the side of leaner all around. Scattered tribes are highly FA tend to have distinctly advantageous natural advantages that allow such excesses, however in mother africa significance of size still isn't a norm modernly.
African Britons and Americans percieve their lives as equally dangerous with the unfortunate fact that despite some 40 years of social aid they're communities are on the highway to hell more often than not in terms of drugs, violence, etcetera etcetera; key difference is that they have the food to fatten up their ladies or gents while they don't in the land nearly down under. It's like you getting a panic attack over something that logically you know is totally harmless but emotionally you react to like it's life or death; in other words, most of the events of high school of mediocre significance. Make sense now?
13 years

Does this fetish have an evolutionary origin?

#1-my theory on the "thinning" of the population's sense of sensual: from an early age boys and girls are exposed to over the past two or three generations a ridiculous amount of media blitz on how they should look, talk, act, etcetera etcetera. Now, assuming groups like the Builderburgs and the Skull and Bones society's spidery little weavings throughout the wrungs of global power amongst the developed nations directly and behind the scenes amongst the developings have actually been preping from some sort of Ark-style deal for them while we are left to straggle on in an effective reset to just before the industrial revolution conditions when tech' is effectively wiped out on during the winter of 2012, then skinny masses to enslave by offering what they had at the cost of freedoms, fidelity, etcetera etcetera. I know, it sounds like a conspiracy deal, but if all the parts fit, then car is car.
#2-Societal suppression affects people differently. In my case, once I hit the second year of high school and definetly afterwards I came down with a permanent case of the "who gives a ***s". Yah, I didn't start hitting on every big-boned hotty and blatanly advertise my being an FA, but teenagers are jerks and most young adults seem to not grow out of that phase 'til about age 22 or 24 around here so it was more of a pragmatic deal. Anywho-scow, the FA or similar genes aren't scattered throughout all men equally; they are concentrated and most pronounced amongst those who's ancestory was from northern or frequently cooler climates where big girls didn't frost out as fast as rails. It was filled under "survival of the mates" and unless you percieve imanent odds of major issues all around that make it likely she'll need some extrafluff, it doesn't kick in equally. Pronounced FA's simply tapped into it for other reasons that can be chocked up to the innumerable interactions of a near infinite mix of genes and genomes.
#3-Nature versus Nurture says that if your parents-dad for girls, mom for guys, and if your homosexually geared vice versa, then both physically and mentally you're going to go for someone similar to them; it's been tested and proven that we do it, so that's another option.
13 years

Are you still attracted to thin girl?

Joey wrote
What the hell does chauvinistic mean? Sorry im from the westcountry smiley

Don't apologize for a lack of grammerian knowhow; Chauvanism is the mindset that men are naturally supirior and a woman's place is at his boot heel, pregnant, or in the kitchen when he doesn't want her for sex.
I think it's as misguided as femenism in the end; one places men on the golden pedastel while the other does the same to women when nature equiped each of us to different bits respectively and others close to equally, no more, no less.
Also, pleased as punch to see that we don't have anymore shots acrossed the bow or profanities. Civility reigning for the day is a good thing; though I do second the point made by Sethman about phrasing though.
13 years

Someone please explain my boyfriend to me...

A space alien; I like it. Random yet hill-airy-ass as a poke of sarcasm; second what they've said already. He's so indoctrinated that he's basically fighting it out in his head; while having sorted myself out on being as I am was a thorn, having no back-up made me totally sure when I found my thing that that was it. Unless he starts to get on a bad or destuctive track-towards you or himself, I'd just let it play out 'til he settles the matter for himself.
13 years

Are you still attracted to thin girl?

Before we make a blood bath of the poorman's inquiry, how about a reality check? When he says "decently skinny" I'm reading that as average to average with a little chub to them; thin is pretty clear-obviously, and so is Fat. Now I can sort of see the point IB061988 is trying to ask about, that being do any male or female FA's and the like find people beyond their norm's attractive still, not just in the fantasy sense of being fed by or feeding them or as gainer converts but genuinely hot. It's certainly not the chauvanistic or femanistic or anyother perogative centric a question to pose as it strikes along the lines of this site's founding: sexual attraction TO fat. How does it do this? Simple; it asks if you swing on the thick and thin side of the force. As a forum is supposed to be a place of civil-however brunt your choice of phrasing, how's about we try and keep that in mind to avoid trading insults instead of oponions, shall we?
Now, in response to the question posted, yes, I've for reason of physique or personality been drawn to non-fat, plump, curvacious, or even boarderline curvy women. Even if eventual involvment romantically would likely end in their figures being thus, the initial root of said attraction would be as they were not as they become. It's like --Dan-- said; I dream of flowing red locks, deep green or vivid blue eyes, and a gorgeous pear-shape; if someone else who reshapes the bill to her comes along long or short term, why knock an opportunity?
And to avoid the onslaught to be made of that comment, I'm not talking strictly sex.
13 years

Does this fetish have an evolutionary origin?

Cksteele79's point is an excellent summery of the effective "modern" root FA and all it's direvations; latching on to someone who could bring home the bacon, caribou, etcetera etctera ensured a healthy or even airing on the side of corpulent while other's were knocking on death's door or hacking it out for some proper scraps. It's just like how being blond is a natural draw in most places; it was a rare and desirable genetic defect when it occured, thus, to have a blond bride[persay] amongst a sea of natural black and brunette haireds proved you were simply that awesome.
Oh, and if you would Domtar would you clarify your first paragraph to me? I don't quite get what you're getting at.
And I totally second the threads originator's point; the human body is a biological marvel along with most of the tiny stuff that makes the bigger happenings of our world possible. Even with what I said-science ONLY giving the how, it's a damn cool how.
13 years
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