Neck fat

So i think im growing all those big meals on mt teip my neck rolls are visable just moving my neck now

Usually, neck fat starts packing on when you've been gaining for some time already and reached a particular point when your body cannot hold all of the new fat in the obvious places like your belly or thighs. So you can view it as an indicator of how greedily you were stuffing yourself with additional calories smiley
P.S. You may consider wearing a choker - it is so incredibly fucking hot when a plump girl with double chin and some neck fat wears one.

6 years

Neck fat

I've noticed ivr gained some neck fat in the family double chins are common im getting one now when ever i move my head and a trip when bendong ot down. Ive felt my rolls on my sides growing a bit. Honnest it severtly turns me on a bit like my fats starting to consume me. When i tend to gain weight on my face i tend to gain over all.
Is this common or could ot br a sign of a larger gain?

first you consume the fat, then it slowly consumes you, eventually hiding everything of your previous shapes
6 years

Force feeding

lol that's awesome. geez, if it's selling for only 50 bucks, they must not be advertising to the right places. Should come here
6 years

Posted a list of unused story ideas

A few here in Stories:

But the full list is on my deviantart:

If you have time and are interested, check it out!
6 years

Idea for a gain weight story

I think we should combine this two ideas smiley)

Ditto, combine them. That's enough content to keep a story enthralling indefinitely. GL
6 years

"searching for a story" thread

There is a story that I am looking for in which the main character was this girl and she was being secretly fattened by her mother so the daughter could be a babysitter of her siblings while the mother would go out and have flings. The sister of the main character herself gained weight and there was also a boy involved who desired the main character to be big as well.

I feel that the story I am thinking of may be deleted :-/

I remember it. Main character's name started with a V, like Valerie or something. Have you checked Dimensions?
6 years

Links to stories thru member profiles story link broken

This is getting ridiculous. It used to work, then it stopped. It can't be that hard to fix, and it has been months now. I love FF, I even blew a c-note this year on membership to support it. I don't use those services, I just really value this site AND HOW WELL IT FUNCTIONS. Pay attention, please, or risk f*cking it over. I'll even fix the code for you if you want, lol.
6 years

Better regional search options

That's a great idea. Feabie's is incredibly detailed. I'd start there for ideas. The coding is simple.
6 years

Vegetarian/vegan feedees

I've been a vegetarian my entire adult life. Luckily mac and cheese and pizza can be animal free! I am getting a little bored with those though, so if anyone has any suggestions to shake things up, I'd appreciate them!

6 years

Unable to edit height or weight on profile. wtf?

unable to edit height or weight on profile. wtf?
6 years