This or that


sour patch kids or zours
9 years

Mutual gaining

What are your thoughts on this? Are anybody currently in relationships like this? Anyone pursuing one?
9 years


I did the Marvel movie marathon last week and got to see Age of Ultron. It was awesome!!!!!!
9 years

This or that

Music Festivals!

Iron Man or Captain America?
9 years

Game of thrones

Thrones yeah!!!!

Watch the video to get pumped for GoT! =P
9 years

Any good movies lately?

Kingsman was a really good movie! Check it out
9 years

San diego meetup!!

I've been known to visit the Gaslamp from time to time.
9 years

Currently listening to

The Misfits - Astro Zombies

The New Basement Tapes - Diamond Ring
9 years

Favourite album?

Too many to say at one sitting so I will hit couple from the last few decades.

Five Live Yardbirds - The Yardbirds

Led Zeppelin I - LZ

Rock of the Westies - Elton John

Young Americans - David Bowie

Synchronicity - The Police

The River - Bruce Springsteen

The Chronic - Dr. Dre

Sublime - Sublime

The Resistance - Muse

Volume One - She and Him

And round out this decade...

Brothers - The Black Keys

As I Call You Down - Fistful of Mercy

*Note this is not a definitive list. I have many more where this came from =)
12 years
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