Dear straight women.....

FluffyMcMittens wrote:
I comment anyway. If people are offended by my lesbionics, they can kiss my ass ^_^

Love <3
12 years

You like cooking shows?

Layla wrote:
My favourites are Masterchef and My Kitchen Rules

Gary from Masterchef Australia is my uncle's girlfriend's brother.
12 years

You like cooking shows?

Technically not a cooking show, but I LOVE Man V Food. I'd love to take on some of those challenges. And I love Choccywoccydoodah, the stuff they make is amazing.
12 years

Psychological thrillers.....

Would highly recommend The Game if you haven't seen it before.
12 years

Valentines day

Honey_Baby wrote:
Dominos two for Tuesdays. Wine. 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding'. And Battery operated toys. No Shame smiley.

Sounds like a great night to me!

Me and my better half don't celebrate Valentine's Day. We've been together for about 4 and a half years but have never celebrated it. We think that it sucks having one day of the year where you should show the other how much you love them. If you love them that much, shouldn't you show it every day? Having said that, that's just our opinion on it, so a Happy Valentine's Day to all when it comes smiley
12 years

Room 101

Layla wrote:
I can't stand the show called Big bang theory

Thank goodness for that, I thought I was the only one!
12 years

Anyone see dr. oz today?

Go Layla and Witchy!!! smiley
12 years

Room 101

People who say "yeahyeahyeah" when you're telling them something. Makes them sound so uninterested in what you have to say.

Midges. What is the need for them?

The need for restaurants to serve salad/vegetables with everything. What's the point? I didn't come to eat rabbit food.

People who only like a certain band/TV show because their best friend/partner/family member likes it. Make up your own mind!

Loads more but those are the main ones.
12 years

One interesting fact

I can cross my eyes upwards.

Edit: I also can't straighten my little finger on my right hand. I jammed it in the hinges of a door when I was younger and it didn't reset properly, so now my finger goes kinda like this - __/
12 years

Comic book nerds unite

Sue Storm. Any day of the week.
12 years
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