One interesting fact

I have an extra disc in my neck.
12 years

Say something nice...

Has a cool looking Skyrim character. smiley
12 years

Quotes you like

"Hey, I'm a reasonable guy. But I've just experienced some very unreasonable things." Jack Burton from big trouble in little china.
Oh also from the same movie.
"Could you stop rubbing your body up against mine? 'Cause I can't concentrate when you do that."
Jack Burton to Gracie while there making their way through a sewage pipe. lol
12 years

Say something nice...

I like his sun glasses. smiley
12 years

Skyrim! post your character!

Here is (my actual name) last name Dragoon, he is a Nord from a long line of Nords all with the same taste in weapons and armor. Greatswords and heavy armor, his primary reason for being in Skyrim well look below.

He is right now using a Daedric Greatsword legendary which has something over a hundred for damage, and wears the ring of sure grip for an extra 25 percent increase damage for two handed weapons. Also his skills are Barbarian rank 5, (Two-Handed weapons do twice as much damage) and Deep Wounds rank 3, (Attacks with greatswords have a 20% chance of doing even more critical damage). Also Champion's Stance, Devastating Blow, Great Critical Charge, Sweep, Warmaster for those means look here. ( He also is a master blacksmith and his armor skills are off the charts, but before you write him off as a brute, he also uses restoration magic and destruction mostly Shock spells. So pretty much he likes close encounters, he can heal himself very fast and if he doesn't want blood on his sword he gives out shock treatments. Lol Oh also that is dragon plate armor fully upgraded, he is very good with his hands. smiley
12 years

Breakfast challenge

That is epic; also I love how there is just one coke. lol
12 years

Say something nice...

Likes Bill and Ted, sweet. smiley
12 years

Say something nice...

Has great taste in TV shows. smiley
12 years

Say something nice...

All around nice guy. smiley
12 years
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