Fit to fat to fit

Hey ya'll, not sure if there's a thread on this or not. But has anyone checked out the show "Fit to fat to Fit" on A&E?? It's basically a dream come true if you're into watching weight gain progress. The premise of the show is that personal trainers attempt to put on about 50-60 pounds over the course of 4 months then lose it along with their overweight client. Of course the weight loss part isn't as interesting to me, but the first half hour that charts their weight gain over the four months is AWESOME.
8 years

"searching for a story" thread

I'm looking for a story that drove me wild. They were written by a woman who wrote about 3-4 stories on here and then deleted her account a couple months ago. I can't remember their titles, but one was about a woman living in New York who had a wealthy boyfriend who paid her rent, bought her clothes, and reveled in the fact that he was plumping her up. If anyone has this story saved or knows where I could find it, please message me!
9 years

Skinny fat

Definitely have a thing for skinny fat guys/girls. A few months ago I had a thing for a guy who looked skinny, but when he took off his shirt had the cutest little chubby stomach that rolled over his waistband. Does this drive anyone else crazy or is it just me??
9 years