Say something good about the..

I hear he's a good artist
12 years

Comic book nerds unite

Must I only pick one?
12 years

Favorite anime

Dragonball Z
Yu gi oh
Mons (both Digi and Poke)
One Piece
Bo Bo Bo
Ultimate Muscle
Cardcaptors (what? it's not just a girl's show)
12 years

Which one of you was sick....

There was a guy on chat the other day asking to to hyponise a girl into gaining

They think they're cunning... that's the sad bit
12 years

Confessions pt. 2

I put things of until the last minute... and now, as the thing become more important, I put them off even more

I'm in my head too much - thinking of doing things that I want to but never will

I've also got a very addictive personality... if it's not food, it's money
12 years