Dubstep anyone?

Is dubstep the one with all the dum dum dum that gets played in nightclubs?
Im not a fan.
I mean, why not listen to something with an actual tune, melody and great lyrics? ... oh, now you've just taken the tune, melody and great lyrics but mashed them about with a dum dum dum to make it easier to jump around to.
Once I heard a dance remix of Babara Streisand... not the artist, the song (which is already a pointless waste of earspace)

... if that isn't dubstep, then I'm sorry for wasting your time
12 years

While we're nerding out: comics!

I tend to stick to the big two: Marvel / DC.
Particularly Batman, Green Lantern, Deadpool, Spiderman and Marvel Zombies.
Also some of the big events on both sides - final crisis, civil war, dark reign
On balance, I'd say that I prefer Marvel
12 years

Ask the girls/women!

Do girls check out guys pictures on here?

I thought about taking some, so just wondering whether they'd be welcomed
12 years
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