Missed connections

I'll go first, shall I?

Scribe. We were rp-ing when you left suddenly.

Would love to continue.
10 years

Missed connections

Had an idea to give everyone a chance to reconnect with those who you can't otherwise find:

Perhaps you were talking to someone in chat and you couldn't remember their username afterward.

Maybe they've deleted their original account - therefore all forums posts have become blank.

Or you saw someone from afar at a meet up, but never had the courage to introduce yourself.

Well fear no more.
10 years

Love to be teased

ffa_tist wrote:
Ooh, I love teasing and/or being teased - not always the animal names, but whether it's a bit of gentle ribbing or a full on barrage of humiliation, it's great fun!

especially recently, eh? smiley
but yeah - playful teasing is cool smiley
10 years

Happy birthday salt

Happy Birthday smiley
10 years

Contest:stars & stripes

just something I put together

also shows one benefit of gold
10 years

Male domination

foxglove wrote:
I agree with Ruby and Essex.

From experience of the London meet-ups, they are usually female-dominated. There are perhaps a handful of extremely nice guys who turn up regularly, who by showing up (that is KEY!) and being normal and charming, have essentially the pick of the women (or could, if they chose to, in my humble opinion, and some of them do!). They are not models or geniuses (sorry guys, love you loads) but they make the effort to get to know people, they are pleasant and have some banter and personality, and are simply easy to get on with, courteous but fun lads who I am delighted to know.

I'm just saying it's not impossible and nor is it luck or difficult to achieve. It just takes a modicum of common sense, people skills, and the willingness to get out there and get to know people.

wait... I could do what now? smiley
10 years

London/surrey awesomeness

...hope that came across as attention grabbing, and not offputtingly boastful.

Smart, funny guy seeks similar - only in xx - for talking and maybe even meeting up; at some hypothetical point down the road.

pokemon preferred, but not required smiley

Have a good day everyone.
10 years

Mutual feederism

FatBellyLover1987 wrote:
I love it! I have many dreams and fantasies about it.

so just so we're all clear... you've had many dreams about it?

And yeah - it's a good way to go about things XD
10 years
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