Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I always feel bad saying this, but I mainly prefer tall guys. That being said I myself am tall (5'11). So for me it just comes down to not wanting to feel bigger than my counterpart. Especially liking larger men I want to overall feel smaller in height and weight. Obviously this isn't the case for everyone
You should not feel bad for your preferences. Look it is what it is. Short men/short fat men have it hard in most cases. Life is not fair. All that we can do is just to keep pressing foward with what is available
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

This may not make you feel better, but as a tall guy, I resent my height often because it means I get stereotyped. I'm also bald, so the girls interested in me are those who want the cop/firefighter type. Nothing against those professions, but I'm more interested in reading books and watching movies than sports or other "manly" stuff.
I see. If it wasn't that, it would be something else. I think that there are not as many women feeders as there are men feeders. What can be considered less likely is women feeders who like males who are of a short stature. Why is life so complex?
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

I like 5"6 and up.

I understand completely. My experience in reviewing the patterns of responses on what women feeders seem to want has led me to believe that they are specifically looking for taller men. It is what it is. They seem to want a man who is at least as tall as they are. This is a free world so everyone should be able to choose what suits them. Of course us short men can not be particularly pleased with this female inclination but we can respect their right to seek what gives them the most satisfaction, We all do the same thing. Height or weight to me has never mattered very much but I also have certain fetishes that have to be a certain way in order for them to function properly.
7 years

Short or tall bhm's/chubby men?

This topic might seem strange to some however, I feel strongly compelled to introduce it as I have had many questions concerning the subject of how most women who consider themselves feeders react to the stature of a man. Growing up, I was for the most part, the shortest person in the room. Do most women who are feeders prefer a taller/seemingly imposing man? Is it that some of the women who are feeders prefer a shorter partner? Perhaps shorter than they are? I'm sure that there are variations.
7 years

How ff has made me happier about being fat...

I believe that this site has had a positive impact on me as I have had to deal with two specific circumstances. 1# I'm someone who has been considered very skinny up until about a few months ago when my stomach literately went from toned to jello.2# I'm 5'3 inches tall thus giving me the ''short and plump guy'' status. It has been a breath of fresh air to find a site where the people appreciate different body types. While I can't grow taller, I can be appreciated for my new size.
7 years

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

As I have stated on other posts, I used to be considered skinny however this is simply not the case in recent times. For some reason, I began to pile on a lot of weight in my stomach. I literately went from having somewhat of a toned stomach to one that feels like a pile of jello. I was initially unhappy with the result but I learned to be okay with it as some people noted that I looked better with the extra weight.I guess now I would be considered chubby/plump. I'm not planning to lose it just yet
7 years

Strangers giving your belly a jiggle

I used to be skinny however that is certainly no longer the case. About about one year ago, a lady friend of mine put one hand on my stomach and one on my back and said " Nice and plump". I gave her a smirk as I was a bit bemused.

That wasn't, strictly speaking, a stranger but the scene is a very erotic one as I can imagine the lady using a playful but taunting tone. Like she was describing a chicken. smiley

And I can totally empathise with your being lost for words, being taken by surprise and unable to respond. Has happened to me too.
Absolutely. Being that I'm larger than I have ever been, these experiences are somewhat bizarre for me. Going from skinny to large/several pounds overweight, I have not really developed a way to respond to these reactions. This is the first time that I have ever been referred to as "Nice and plump"
7 years

Strangers giving your belly a jiggle

I used to be skinny however that is certainly no longer the case. About about one year ago, a lady friend of mine put one hand on my stomach and one on my back and said " Nice and plump". I gave her a smirk as I was a bit bemused.
7 years

Feedees: why get fat?

I'm getting fat because i'm living a relaxed life style. I have never had a stomach as big as the one that I have. The respones I get are varried. I've heard " Looks like you have been eating well". I"ve also heard "oh my god is that a double chin? Turn around for a second" Certainly a different experience because I had been skinny all of my life. The tables have turned believe me.
8 years

Grocery-shopping self checkout

Does anyone else do the self checkout to avoid the stares when they buy a ton of fattening stuff? Its funny, because I work at a supermarket without a self-check so I have no other option but to get checked out by my coworkers, even when I'm buying massive quantities of Ben & Jerry's lol

I can understand this as I do the same thing with the consideration of how some people who know me have highlighted the fact " That it looks like I have been eating well".
8 years