Driving and snacking

One summer over 20 years ago, I began hooking up with a BBW who couldn't help herself when it came to eating fast food in her car.

I didn't mind this girl's affinity for fast food one bit. Despite being an FA and not a feeder, I actually found her consumption sexy, however she was too lazy to discard the trash.

We had plans to go to her family's camper to hang out one evening. She came by my work as I was getting ready to lock up, and suggested we go in her car.

Whenever I saw the mess of Wendy's and McDonald's wrappers and bags strewn about all over the interior, it disgusted me to the point I refused to get in. She became visibly embarrassed, but surprisingly didn't leave or want to change plans. Following her to the campground in my car, I felt bad for not approaching the situation more tactfully.

That feeling didn't last very long. Apparently me calling her out over her messy car somehow triggered her to become ridiculously turned on. No sooner than we got into the camper, that girl got super aggressive with me and wasted no time taking out her frustrations.
1 week

Person you would love to feed/see fat

I would love to see Jennifer Lawrence pack on 50-100 pounds - she would be so sexy and cute. She already seems to have a little extra than most actresses these days.

Good one, no doubt J Law would look hot carrying the extra weight.
2 months

Mutual stuffing

Humans are social creatures. It only makes sense that mutual stuffing is likely to yield greater consumption than going it alone. It's also likely to foster greater closeness between both parties.

Many years ago, I had some friends who used to smoke. When we hung out, if one of us lit a cigarette, the others nearly always followed. Out of that group, one girl and I began smoking more together. We made excuses to be around each other. There were numerous car rides, trips to the store, going together to buy cigarettes, etc.

The shared behavior brought us closer and we began dating. As the relationship progressed, simultaneously we were both smoking more. When we began living together it really ramped up to 1 1/2 to 2 packs per day for each of us.

Like with any other behaviors undertaken together, I have no doubt a mutual stuffing arrangement would generate similar increases in food consumption for both participants, particularly within a close relationship.
2 months

Anyone know a diet good for getting fatter?

Stick to foods high in sugar, carbohydrates, and polyunsaturated fats.

Processed foods, fast food, anything breaded and fried in "vegetable" oils such as soybean and canola will all do the trick.

The best part is these foods are usually quite cost-effective.
2 months

Person you would love to feed/see fat

I always thought Oprah Winfrey looked amazing fat and would love to see her regain and then some.

We had a local news reporter Chelsea Jones, now in Miami, super cute, thick and curvy.
2 months

Chugged 5 milkshakes

While I don't doubt you for a second, I just can't wrap my mind around the idea of forcing so much in at once (I'd be sick as a dog!)

I'd love to see a video if you do it again!
2 months

Dobyou like chubby disabled people?

Honestly the question itself feels kind of disgusting.

Disgusting how?

The question struck me more like the OP was gauging if a subject's disability combined with their obesity somehow enhanced their attractiveness.

I find female obesity attractive despite being well aware it typically doesn't coincide with optimal health.

Obesity is considered a disease which requires treatment by the medical community, therefore a fat admirer is looking positively on something the medical community sees as a problem.

For example, an acquaintance of mine gained well over 100 lbs during the pandemic. With a weight close to 400, she now lacks energy and developed sleep apnea, requiring a CPAP. Her lifestyle is very sedentary and I'd consider her partially disabled. This in no way makes me view her as any less attractive.
2 months

Milk tates too watered down for me

Yes. I do not like milk or half and half. They lack flavor and richness.

Heavy cream is best, I put it in my coffee daily. Costs a lot more but totally worth it!
2 months

Did any of your school's girls became heavy office workers?

Morbidly A Beast:
dude has a ruination fetish talking about how America is so bad these days šŸ˜‚ ironic

Tell me how it isn't?

"America is a nation in decline."

This is a direct quote from President Donald J. Trump, with whom millions of patriotic Americans agree.
2 months

Daily "i'm fat" reminders

Kind of embarrassedā€¦. but asked a cart collecting kid yesterday in parking lot of the grocery store to just back my car out a few feet. I didnā€™t have enough room to open the door fully to get in.

I worked as a new car dealer lot attendant years ago, and was awesome at parallel parking and tight maneuvering of cars.

Some ladies knew this and would ask me to move their cars out of tight spaces. It was always due to them not wanting to hit anything, rather than having difficulty getting in.

How I'd love to oblige a sweet BBW for the purpose you mention! It would be an honor.
3 months
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